Buryat State Agricultural Academy named after V.P Philipov is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education, one of the leading educational and scientific centers of Siberia and the Far East of Russia.

The Academy was founded on August 13, 1931 as the Agropedagogical Institute in the Buryat-Mongolian Republic

The structure of the Buryat State Agricultural Academy includes: 6 faculties, 3 institutes, agrotechnical college, subdivisions of educational, research and production, research and production and economic activities. Also subdivisions and objects of social sphere: establishments of cultural-educational, sports-improving and medical-preventive purpose.

Buryat State Agricultural Academy named after V.P Philipov is a federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education, one of the leading educational and scientific centers of Siberia and the Far East of Russia.

The Academy was founded on August 13, 1931 as the Agropedagogical Institute in the Buryat-Mongolian Republic

The structure of the Buryat State Agricultural Academy includes: 6 faculties, 3 institutes, agrotechnical college, subdivisions of educational, research and production, research and production and economic activities. Also subdivisions and objects of social sphere: establishments of cultural-educational, sports-improving and medical-preventive purpose.

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