About Lomonosov Moscow State University
Lomonosov Moscow State University, the first Russian University founded in 1755 on the initiative of Mikhail Lomonosov, an outstanding scientist of the Enlightenment, whose unsettled encyclopedic mind and energy gave the inner impetus to the project.
Lomonosov MSU the emphasis is on advancing the applied science: new materials, genetics, biomedicine, pharmaceutics, cognitive sciences, ecology, and information technologies. We work hard to preserve our heritage and develop our traditions of a comprehensive approach to higher education and science
We keep open the University doors to anyone who strives for new discoveries, creativity, and self-improvement.
Lomonosov University was ranked 101-110 in the most recent QS Graduate Employability Rankings, making it the highest-ranked Russian university for graduate employability.…
It was ranked 20th for the alumni outcomes indicator, having been the alma mater of famous writers such as Anton Chekhov and Ivan Turgenev, politicians such as Mikhail Gorbachev and Mikhail Suslov, as well as renowned mathematicians and physicists such as Boris Demidovich, Vladimir Arnold, and Andrey Kolmogorov.
MSU students benefit from the university’s impressive library, the oldest and one of the largest university library systems in the country, holding around 10 million books, 2.5 million of which are in foreign languages.
There are also multiple research institutes, research centers and museums connected to the university, including the Research Computing Center and International Laser Center.
The list of all Faculties:
1.Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
In 1933 Moscow University was reorganized, several new faculties were established, among them the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. A great role in its establishment and further development belonged to Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V. V. Golubev, academicians I. G. Petrovsky, A. N. Kholmogorov, P. S. Aleksadrov.
Our graduates have contributed to the development of academic science in Russia, at the same time many members of the Academy of Sciences have taught at the faculty. At present there are 7 academicians and 6 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences heading our departments and laboratories.
Traditionally, our students are taught not the methods to solve a particular problem but the ability to think and make decisions independently and to extract and analyze information from various sources. That is why our graduates are able to go into any problem in almost every professional sphere: from IT to finance, from business management to politics.
- Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
- Founded in 1970, the Faculty owes its existence to one of the most prominent Russian scientists, Acad. Andrey N. Tikhonov, whose efforts were supported by Acad.M.V. Keldysh, the then President of the Academy of Sciences. Together with Acad. Tikhonov as the dean, the original academic staff of the Faculty contributed substantially to its development and growth, among them Acad. L.S. Pontryagin, Correspondent Members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR L.N. Bolshev and S.V. Yablonsky and Professors I.S. Berezin and Y.B. Germeyer. The applied mathematics and information theory schools, leaders in the field in Russia, have been founded by the faculty academics working on the theory of boundary-value problems, mathematical physics and spectral theory of differential equations, nonlinear dynamic systems and control processes,computational methods and mathematical modeling, game theory and operations research, optimal control theory and systems analysis,mathematical cybernetics and logic, probability theory and mathematical statistics,applied programming and programming theory, computer systems and networks architecture.
- The Faculty has 18 departments: Department of General Mathematics, Department of Non-Linear Dynamic Systems and Control Processes, Department of Mathematical Physics, Department of Computational Methods, Department of Research Automation, Department of Operations Research, Department of Optimal Control, Department of System Analysis, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Department of Mathematical Forecasting methods, Department of Mathematical Cybernetics, Department of Automation of Computing Systems, Department of Algorithmic Languages, Department of System Programming, Department of Quantum Information Theory, Department of Computational Technologies and Modelling, Department of the English Language, Department of Functional Analysis and its Applications.
- Faculty of Physics
Faculty of Physics is a major training and research center and a leading institution in field of physic education in Russia. At the Faculty research is carried out in practically all fields of fundamental and applied modern physics.
- The Faculty consists of eight Departments and includes 39 Divisions (Chairs). It closely cooperates with plenty of Russian and foreign research centers and universities that regularly carry out schools, seminars, conferences.
- The system of education at the Faculty has long-standing traditions and is a model for faculties of physics at different Russian universities.
- Educational process in areas of nuclear physics and astronomy is carried out together with Nuclear Physics and Sternberg Astronomical Institutes of the University, founded on its base.
- There is a specific education system in place at the Faculty of Physics. It is a combination of fundamental training through the junior years with extensive specialization during senior years.
- Currently there are about 45 general courses and over 650 specialized courses delivered covering a wide range of traditional and new aspects of physics research
- The number of students, including BS, Specialists with diplomas and MS totals 2500; the Ph.D. student number is 350.
- Annually 400 freshmen, 280 graduate and 95 Ph.D. students enter the MSU Faculty of Physics
- On the whole, the Faculty employs 1400 people, including the teaching staff, research staff, maintenance staff and the management.
- Teaching and professors’ staff is made up of 479, including 269 Ph.D. and 185 Doctors of Science.
- Research staff is made up of 317 people, including 211 Ph.D. and 51 Doctors of Science.
- Citizens of different countries and continents have traditionally been students at the Faculty. Starting from the 1950s representatives of more than 85 countries have received graduation diplomas from the MSU Faculty of Physics.
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Chemistry has been taught at Moscow University since its establishment. The founder of the university Mikhail Lomonosov, apart from being a scientist, a gifted poet and an artist, was one of the outstanding chemists of his time. It was him to establish a Department of Chemistry at Moscow State University in 1755. Since then, many generations of Russian chemists have studied and taught at the Faculty of Chemistry, and some of them were the major figures in the history of science.
- Today, the Faculty of Chemistry consists of 17 departments and 1 inter-department laboratory, which presents all the contemporary areas of chemical science and relevant specializations to train highly qualified chemists.
- Our academic staff includes 9 academicians, 17 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 350 teachers and about 700 researchers. Over 1200 students and about 300 post-graduate students study at the faculty.
- Taking into account the latest scientific trends, the Faculty trains generalists competent in all areas of modern chemistry including obtaining new materials and medicines, the resource-saving and nanotechnology. Apart of that, employees of the Faculty teach chemistry at a number of other faculties of Moscow State University, as well as at branches of Moscow State University in Baku (Azerbaijan Republic), Dushanbe (Tajikistan) and the joint Shenzhen MSU-BIT University (People’s Republic of China ). High qualifications of graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry are also due to the fact that from the first year each student is involved in scientific work, participates in projects and conferences.
- International contacts, an excellent teaching staff, a unique atmosphere that you feel from the very first moment of being a student, and a place where you want to come back every day – this is all about the MSU Faculty of Chemistry.
- Faculty of Materials Science
- The Faculty of Materials Science appeared on the basis of three faculties – Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Physics and Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics; and so the inter-disciplinary approach underlies the educational program of the faculty. Students complete a number of special theoretical courses and do practical work and advanced training in mathematics, chemistry, physics and mechanics. A special emphasis is put on foreign languages acquisition. Additionally, students study the humanities, including History and Art History, Philosophy and Economics.
- Education process at the faculty is organized due to Bachelor/Master degree program with the field of study “Chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials. Each year the faculty has 25 state-funded open positions for first-year students; and 5 additional positions are for commercial education. Such a small intake of students is a deliberate choice intended on individual training program for each student. To create motivation and healthy competition among students, the faculty announces student rating curve every six weeks. This reflects the summary of student achievements, such as grades on written assignments, performance in one-on-one colloquium discussions, and final exam grades.
- The main advance in faculty’s education methodology is extensive emphasis on student’s scientific research and creation of an environment that facilitates scientific creativity. This is accomplished by custom-tailored education plan, weekly hands-on laboratory practice, student participation in conferences and scientific events.
- Since 2015 all theoretical problems and solutions of the International Olympiad
- Faculty of Biology
- The Faculty of Biology offers a variety of 5-year Specialist’s Degree programs.
- Our curricula include fundamental science courses and biological disciplines in various fields of biology. The basic biological disciplines include: zoology, botany, microbiology, evolution theory, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, human, animal and plant physiology, human anatomy, cytology, etc, the basic undergraduate training completed in the first three years. In their first and second year our students have their summer fieldwork courses at the affiliated biological stations and in Pushchino, where they study the variety of the natural world and acquire their experience in research work.
- We offer a wide variety of specific fields in anthropology, zoology, botany, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics and microbiology for students to choose their major area from in their third year and to work on through the fourth and the fifth year.
- Anthropology is taught by the Department of Anthropology that offers courses in anthropogenesis, ethnic anthropology, ethnography, archaeology and other related fields.
- Zoology is taught jointly by the Departments of Zoology of Vertebrates, Zoology of Invertebrates, Entomology, Ichtiology and Biological Evolution, which offer courses in histology, embryology, animal ecology, zoogeography, applied entomology, animal selection, etc.
- Courses in botany, including plant ecology, geobotany, plant developmental biology, the studies of flora in different parts of the world, plant selection, etc., are taught by the Departments of Higher Plants, Mycology and Algology, Geobotany and Hydrobiology.
- Physiology is taught jointly by the Departments of Human and Animal Physiology, Embryology, Cell Biology and Histology, Higher Nerve Function, Plant Physiology and Physiology of Microorganisms, through the courses on brain morphology, endocrinology, cardiovascular physiology, energy metabolism, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, phyto-photo dosimetry, tumour cell biology, breeding biology, ecology and evolution of photosynthesis, etc.
- Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics
- Due to the rapid development of biology new practical approaches are being introduced in healthcare and agriculture, in various other fields where new technologies and materials are created. The worldwide demand for qualified specialists in bioengineering and bioinformatics is very high, this country not being an exception.
- Established in 2002, the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics trains highly qualified specialists for scientific and medical institutions and industry, mainly pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies. Our graduates are informed of the most recent scientific developments in the area and are able to detect, assess and regulate changes in a living organism. Our 5-year Bioengineering and Bioinformatics program has been approved by the RF Ministry of Education. Our curriculum includes the following biomedical engineering disciplines: genetic engineering; bioengineering of microorganisms, animals and plants; cell cloning and transplantation; protein engineering; engineering enzymology. Advanced obligatory courses of mathematics and informatics are complemented by optional special courses in the subjects
- Faculty of Soil Science
- The program in soil science is based on the following disciplines: soil science, soil physics, soil chemistry, soil biology, agro-chemistry, etc. A considerable time is devoted to special courses and research work resulting in course papers. An important role is given to the basics of computer science and mathematical modeling of natural and soil processes, students acquiring the necessary computer skills and mastering modern information technologies.
- Soil science largely concentrates on assessment of land resources, which is especially important nowadays due to the changes in land use patters. Assessment of land resources involves evaluation of soil quality, its economic and ecological assessment and cost estimation. Thus, our graduates take part in the development of national land registration system.
- Soil science lays the basis for rational land use, which requires knowledge of soil condition and economic and ecological estimation of land resources, including landscape characteristics and their aesthetic role. A developing branch of soil science is landscape design which creates landscapes with customised aesthetic and functional features. Besides, soil scientists work on solving pollution problems, introduce standards for environmental regulation of land and water resources and forests, study the greenhouse effect and changes in the biological variability.
- Environmental problems caused by human impact on the environment are one of the potential threats to sustainable development both in Russia and abroad. That is why we train highly demanded specialists in ecology.
- Faculty of Geology
- Faculty of Geology provides higher education in the field of Geology. Now there are three different degrees that are awarded to graduates: Bachelor’s Degree (4 years), Master’s Degree (6 years) and PhD Degree. As of December 1, 2014, the Faculty trains 800 BSc students, 350 MSc, and 75 PhD students. Besides some 50 international students of various levels from 8 countries study Geology at the Faculty. They all are trained by some 150 Professors and Associate Professors and carry out investigations in the Faculty’s labs under the directions of more than 200 research workers.
- Geological education at Moscow State University is an important link in the whole system of higher education of the Russian Federation, and being the major educational and scientific centre of the country the Faculty of Geology coordinates the work of other Russian universities in the field of geological education.
- Faculty of Geography
- Every year the Faculty of Geography offers 150 undergraduate scholarships, students whose entrance score is not high enough are to pay their tuition. On a number of programs all students are to pay fees, among them Petrol and Gas Eco-geology, Landscape Planning, Regional Policies, and an international program Management of Natural Resources and Law (Geneva, Switzerland).
- The Faculty has 15 departments and 8 research laboratories, 4 research stations and 28 department laboratories. We also have several computer rooms and analytical laboratories and a laboratory of mathematic modeling.
- The Department of Biogeography teaches specialists with an expertise in modern methods of studying the vegetation cover and land animals. Our graduates have skills and knowledge to solve various problems of nature conservation, to study the laws of distribution and use of biological resources, to use bio-detectors for environmental estimation and monitoring, to study the spreading of local infections and changes in the environment and human health.
- The Department of Geomorphology and Paleogeography trains specialists who use modern methods to study the origins and evolution of land, sea coast and seabed, to search for oil fields and alluvial mineral deposits, to do research for city planning and construction of water-engineering systems, hydroelectric stations, ports and roads, and to tackle soil erosion in agricultural areas. Specialists in Paleogeography study climatic and environmental conditions of the past.
- The Department of Landscape Geochemistry and Soil Geography trains specialists equipped with the skills and knowledge to estimate the condition of the environment and to search for mineral resources; they are also experts in soil studies and mapping.
- The Department of Land Hydrology trains specialists who study the groundwater runoff, hydrological and hydrochemical regimes of rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Our students master modern methods of aquatic studies and hydrological and water-management design and prognosis, used in construction of hydroengineering facilities and for rational use of water resources. They also learn to use electronic instruments and to apply mathematical methods of data processing.
- The Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics trains specialists in field cartography equipped with the skills of creating and editing thematic and geographic maps and atlases, using aerospace data and automation in geographical studies.
- The Department of Cryolithology and Glaciology teaches comprehensive studying of high-altitude areas and territories with ever-frozen soil, to explore the possibility of their development. As graduates are to work in areas where climatic conditions are very often unfavorable, only physically fit applicants are enrolled in the department.
- The Department of Meteorology and Climatology trains specialists in meteorological studies and the analysis of atmospheric processes, which requires the application of mathematical methods and the latest supercomputers.
- The Department of Oceanology trains specialists in aquatic and marine systems (dynamics, thermals, hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, acoustics, etc.), marine navigation and the use of marine biological and mineral resources. Oceanology students learn to use computerized mathematical methods for data processing.
- The Department of Environmental Management teaches specialists in environmental conservation, assessment and control of the environment, to ensure effective use of natural resources for social and economic development.
- The Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Science trains specialists who study the nature of various Russian regions, who are able to tackle national economic problems, physical and geographical zoning issues and to give geographic prognosis.
- The Department of World Physical Geography and Geoecology trains specialists in environmental conditions of various countries and their natural resources. All graduates are to master two foreign languages.
- The Department of Geography of World Economy trains specialists in the international division of labor and geographical factors that affect it, regional economies and their branches. We study the influence of modern technology on the international division of labor and the roles of regional economies in the global development.
- The Department of Social and Economic Geography of Foreign Countries trains specialists in the natural resources, population and economy of foreign countries. In our curriculum special stress is on foreign language studies.
- The Department of Economic and Social Geography of Russia trains specialists who estimate the natural conditions and resources of various Russian regions to forecast ways of development and rational distribution of their resources and population.
- The Department of Recreational Geography and Tourism trains specialists for tourist industry, with expertise in geography, economics, technology and management for tourism. Special emphasis is on foreign languages and practical skills in the field..
- Faculty of Fundamental Medicine
- The Faculty has 12 departments: the Department of Normal and Topographical Physiology, the Department of Normal and Topographical Anatomy, the Department of Physicochemical Medicine,the Department of Biological and Medical Chemistry, the Department of Pharmacology, the Department of Surgery, the Department of Therapy, the Department of Internal Medicine, the Department of Multidisciplinary Clinical Training, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Department of General and Clinical Pathology, the Department of Ecological and Extreme Medicine and 4 research laboratories: the Laboratory of Adaptation Medicine, the Laboratory of Cell and Genetic Technology, the Laboratory of Pharmacology of Cardiovascular System, the Laboratory of Computer Technologies for Medicine.
- We have affiliations with the medical institutions of the Central Medical Department of the Executive Office of the President of the Russian Federation, Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, the Fertility and Preconception Centre, the Neurological Centre of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Glavmosstroy Hospital, Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI) and Moscow clinical hospitals №№ 31, 64, 67, that provide all the necessary conditions for our students to have clinical training up to the highest standards of medical education.
- During their coursework the students are involved in research at the leading Moscow clinics and laboratories. The best senior students have an opportunity to go abroad to take part of their course at universities and scientific centres there.
- Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering
- Our students choose their major area at either the Chemistry or the Physics department
- Chemistry department: Undergraduate and post-graduate students study various disciplines and do research in the following fields: General Problems of Chemical Physics , Molecular and Solid Body Structure, Kinetics and Mechanisms of Complicated Chemical Reactions, Chemical Physics of Combustion and Explosion , Chemical Physics of Polymerization and Modification of Polymers, Chemical Physics of Biological Processes and Systems, Chemical Materials Science. The Chemistry department has a unique experimental base and a state-of-the-art computer centre at its disposal.
- Physics department: Undergraduate and post-graduate students acquire profound knowledge and do research in the fields embracing a wide range of problems of Condensed Matter Physics, such as: Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Material Physics, Semiconductor and Dielectric Physics, Solid State Physics, Metal Physics, and Chemical Physics.
- Faculty of History
- Faculty of History, Lomonosov Moscow State University has always been one of the best Russia’s institutions of humanities. We started our history in the 18th century and we are proud that such famous Russian historians as M.Pogodin, S. Soloviev, T. Granovsky and V. Kyuchevsky were professors of Moscow University.
- Faculty of Philology
- BSc Degree
- Russian Language and Literature
- Russian as a Foreign Language
- Slavic Philology
- Modern West-European Languages and Literatures
- Translation Studies: Theory and Practice
- Classical Philology
- Byzantine and Modern Greek Philology
- BSc Degree
- Faculty of Philosophy
- The Faculty of Philosophy is one of the three basic faculties, established when the Moscow University was founded in 1755. The original project presupposed teaching of philosophy as a system of universal knowledge embodying the gist of university education. Such a general humanitarian approach is actual again nowadays, in the era of interdisciplinary studies and special emphasis on social and moral criteria of world progress – the faculty is in top-50 in the QS World University Ranking-2016 in Philosophy.
- All fields of Philosophy are present as chairs and departments for specialization: Ontology, Theory of Knowledge, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Social Philosophy, Logics, Ethics, Aesthetics, History of World Philosophy, History of Russian Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies. Some new educational divisions and chairs are being opened: Philosophical Anthropology and problems of comprehensive research of man, History and Theory of World Culture Philosophy of Politics and Law, Philosophy of Language and Communication, Philosophy of Education. The Creative Industries Center proposes a short time educational programs for graduate students. The laboratory of Information Systems in Humanitarian Education is working out.
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Economics is the biggest of 40 faculties of MSU (about 2300 bachelor students and 650 master students). The Faculty was the first in Russia to be transformed to a three-level education system. In addition to the staff, leading Russian economists from think tanks, government, businesses and foreign professors teach and do research at the Faculty.
- The Faculty of Economics is made up of 21 departments, 19 laboratories and 23 research and educational centers. The Faculty’s activities make an important contribution to the development of economic research and are aimed at theoretical assessment of both current and long-term challenges of the global economy and at preparing scenarios and strategies.
- The Faculty has well-established contacts with 47 universities in 21 countries.
- Faculty of Law
- The faculty has 3 laboratories: Laboratory of Politology; Laboratory of Legal Sociology and Comparative Legal Studies; Laboratory of Legal Informatics and Cybernetics.
- The faculty has a scientific codification bureau, computer rooms and a reading room offering materials for research and study.
- The students’ curriculum includes: legal theory and state theory; history of political and legal studies; Russian legal history; foreign legal history; constitutional law; administrative law; municipal law; financial law; civil law; civil code; criminal law; criminal justice; criminalistics; environmental law; land law; labour law; international law; state law; foreign state law; criminology; penology; legal cybernetics; company law; commercial law; family law; and some other law courses.
- Also on the curriculum are Latin, foreign languages, Logic, Humanities and Social Sciences.
- The students who study jurisprudence can specialize in one of the three areas: State Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law.
- They can start specialisation in their area of interest in their 4th year.
- Faculty of Journalism
- Applicants are selected on a competitive basis submitting their materials, published or broadcast, and recommendations from an editorial office. Those whose works receive favorable reviews are allowed to take part in the essay competition and are invited to an interview.
- Graduates are awarded degrees in Journalism and qualifications according to the major area they have specialized in: “Periodical press”, “Periodical press. Editorial front office”, “Television broadcasting”, “Radio broadcasting”, “Internet journalism”, “Advertising”, “Public relations”, “Photojournalism”, “Publishing”, “Design for Mass Media”, “Artistic culture”, “International journalism”.
- The faculty comprises 14 departments. We also have the Media Laboratory, the Laboratory for Complex Studies of Current Issues in Journalism, the Laboratory of Foreign Press, the Laboratory of Professional Equipment, the Laboratory of Communication and Media Culture.
- Faculty of Psychology
- Admission to the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow State University is via entrance tests, which are open to all who can present the necessary high school qualifications and who have passed additional written exams in Biology or Social Studies. Applicants who have not passed or taken the entrance test for state-funded study at the Faculty may be considered for admission on a contractual (fee-paying) basis. The Faculty also hosts the Lomonosov Psychology competition for school students. The winners and medalists at the competitions are admitted to the Faculty for subsidized study.
- Study at the Faculty is undertaken in specialist departments: Psychology of Work Activities, Clinical Psychology and Psychology and Pedagogy of Deviant Behaviour. The Faculty offers Specialist Degree programs (6 years) and Master’s Degree programs (2 years).
- The Institute of Asian and African Studies
- Depending on the division they choose, students study one or two Oriental languages and a European language. At the moment over 40 Asian and African languages are taught at IAAS.
- The Institute comprises 18 Departments: Arabic Philology; Indian Philology; Iranian Philology; Chinese Philology; Turkish Philology; Philology of South-East Asia, Korea and Mongolia; Japanese Philology; History and culture of Japan, Economy and Economic geography of Asian and African countries; History of Near and Middle East, International Economic Relations; History of Far East and South-East Asia; History of China; History of South Asia; African Studies; Politology of Oriental countries; European Languages; Hebrew Studies.
- Faculty of Sociology
The Faculty of Sociology was founded in 1989. Our mission is to train specialists in sociology, youth work, management and marketing.
- Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies
- Faculty of Public Administration
- Faculty of World Politics
- Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts
- Faculty of Global Studies
- Faculty of Educational Studies
- Faculty of Political Science
- School of Business Administration
- Moscow School of Economics
- Graduate School of Public Administration
- School of State Audit
- School of Translation and Interpretation
- Graduate School of Management and Innovation
- Graduate School of Innovative Business
- School of Contemporary Social Sciences
- School of Television
- Higher School of Policy in Culture and Management in the Sphere of Humanities
- Sevastopol MSU campus
- Tashkent MSU campus
- Kazakstan MSU campus
- Baku MSU campus
- Dushanbe MSU campus
- Kolmogorov Research Centre
- Yerevan MSU campus
- Faculty of Biotechnology
- Shenzhen MSU-BIT University
About City
City: Moscow, Russian Moskva, city, capital of Russia, located in the far western part of the country. Since it was first mentioned in the chronicles of 1147, Moscow has played a vital role in Russian history.
The climate of Moscow is dominated by westerly winds from the Atlantic. Precipitation is moderate, about 23 inches (580 mm) a year. Snow is common, beginning usually about mid-November and lasting generally until mid-March; the city is well-equipped to keep the streets clear. Winters are long, yet they are significantly milder than in similar climatic regions of North America
The University offers single rooms in the main campus building for foreign students which is a perfect accommodation for your russian language courses in Moscow. For short-term stays, rooms can be booked at the MGU Guest House (in zone E of the main campus building, see a map of the campus). The MGU guest house was built mainly to host foreign visitors and graduate students for stays up to 1 month.
The rooms are simple but convenient with bed, table, lamps, a small closet, and a bookshelf. Each room is adjacent to a separate toilet and shower, which are shared by two people.
Two rooms form together a small apartment with a separate entry from the main floor. Each room and each apartment have doors which can be locked with two separate keys guaranteeing high security and privacity. Some rooms have been refurbished and are equipped with television, fridge and phone lines which may also be used for internet connections through a modem. Some rooms also have spectacular views on downtown Moscow, about 16 km (10 miles) away. Inquire early for reservation as these rooms are usually booked out early.
To guarantee maximal security, each floor has a reception desk and access to the MGU guest house is only possible with the MGU card (called ‘propusk’). Every floor has its own large kitchen, where a lot of students cook. In addition there is always a TV and chat room available to everyone. Please note that only students studying at Moscow State University can also book accommodation at MGU. Inside the main MGU building, there are laundry facilities, dry cleaners, clothing and shoe repair shops and a number of magazines selling everything from noodles to newspapers. A dozen student cafeterias inside the large university complex offer breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are open from 9 am to 8 pm and serve both typical Russian dishes but also a variety of ‘French style’ cuisine (one is operated as a self-service cafeteria by a French company !).
Typically, you will need 10-12 dollars per day for meals. An upper class restaurant located in the main building does even serve ikra (black kaviar), champagne and lots of other culinary specialties (at upper class prices though).
A viable alternative is also the hotel Universitetskaya located some 10 min from the main MGU campus.
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