About I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) is the top medical university in Russia. Its history began in 1758 as the medical faculty at Imperial Moscow University.
For over two centuries Sechenov University has been a pioneer in the Russian healthcare system. A lot of outstanding physicians and scientists who contributed significantly to the progress in medicine have worked at the University. In 2018, Sechenov University celebrated its 260th anniversary.
By the 260th anniversary, the University has grown into academic, research and resource center of excellence in the Russian healthcare system. Sechenov University improves Medicine using strong academic foundation in clinical medicine and expanding frontiers in advanced multidisciplinary research together with the world leaders in Engineering, Technology and Natural Sciences.
The University`s research-intensive environment supports collaboration between students, faculties and partners in creating new products and technologies.…
The clinical campus of Sechenov University was established in 1897. Since then, it has been considered as one of the best and largest teaching hospitals in Europe. As of today, the modern fully renovated University Hospitals have about 4 000 staff members, more than 3,000 hospital beds, 20 research & teaching buildings, 25 university clinics at the University hospital, 25 University clinics at municipal hospitals and more than 30% of surgeries are assisted by high-tech devices (Da Vinci robotic surgeries).
In-patient departments of the University Hospital provide multi-specialty high-tech healthcare services. In 2018, Comprehensive Cancer Center was established at Sechenov University which provides cancer patients with full range of medical services.
Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases named after V.A. Rakhmanov
Clinic for Skin and Venereal Diseases named after V.A. Rakhmanov has been a leader since it was founded. The clinic was built at the end of the 19th century. It was identified by the professional community as the best clinic in Europe. Nowadays, this institution is still considered to be one of the most well-equipped at Sechenov University.
Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Joint Pathology
Clinic of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Joint Pathology of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University is one of the largest research and educational establishments in Russia. The clinic specializes in high-tech surgical interventions on the musculoskeletal system using minimally invasive and endoscopic technologies. Therein students, residents and graduate students of Sechenov University are trained by qualified personnel, and medical experts at the clinic introduce their own developments into medical practice even before these methods become widely spread. Doctors of the clinic use the most advanced achievements of medicine.
Clinic of Diseases of the Ear, Throat and Nose
One of the oldest and leading institutions in Russia is in the otolaryngology profile. The clinic provides full specialized diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical care to patients with pathology of upper respiratory tract.
Dental Center
The Dental Center provides dental care to adults and children. The Center employs Russian and foreign high-class dentists who are engaged in medical practice and science. The Center also serves as a clinical base for training doctors in the specialties of Dentistry and Dental Technician.
Clinic of Urology named after R.M. Fronstein
The only Russian clinic where all methods of treating cancer of the urinary system are available is Clinic of Urology. Technologies which are used in the Clinic include the da Vinci robotic system, ultrasound ablation, deep freezing of tumor cells, brachytherapy and others.
Clinic of Coloproctology and Minimally Invasive Surgery
Having broken down all stereotypes related to the domestic quality of medical services, this Clinic has become the center of excellence in the field of Coloproctology in Russia and neighboring countries. The Clinic of Coloproctology and Minimally Invasive Surgery (CCMS) was established in 2012 on the initiative of the rector of Sechenov University, academician Peter Glybochko and a talented surgeon Professor Peter Tsarkov.
Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy UH No. 2
The Endoscopic Department is an independent structural unit of UH No. 2, in which high-tech, state-of-the-art medical care is provided to patients at the Clinical Center of Sechenov University. The Department is headed by Associate Professor of the Surgery Department of the Faculty of Medical and Prevention, endoscopist Pavel Pavlov.
The Health Management Clinic
The Health Management Clinic is the first clinic in Russia for innovative and high technology personalized medicine. There a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out using modern laboratory (including genetic), functional and instrumental methods.
Medical Rehabilitation Center
In the Medical Rehabilitation Center of the Sechenov University, a professional team of specialists in various fields who have been trained in leading foreign clinics is engaged in the restoration of patients’ health. The center has a huge range of the most modern rehabilitation equipment.
Clinical Simulation Center “Praxi Medica”
The Clinical Simulation Center of Sechenov University differs from similar facilities in terms of wider range of contingent (from citizens to qualified physicians), wider areas of training (General Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Internal Diseases, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, Pediatrics, Radiology, Cardiology, Urology, Healthcare Management, Nursery, Basics of the First Aid, and other), as well as the system approach to the evaluation of results.
The Center provides the following training techniques:
- Simulation;
- Peer tuition;
- Visualization of lectures
- Computer testing
During simulation studies specific training equipment and tools allow students to deliberately perform actions/operations in an environment modelling a real-world situation.
The main idea of such studies is based on the learning pyramid by NTL Institute (Bethel, Maine) which states that learners retain approximately 90% of what they learn when they teach someone else/use immediately.
Overall, the Center has about 50 educational modes of different specialization and duration. Some modes are a part of an obligatory program of simulative education in specific areas for interns and residents. Every single specialist has an opportunity to train within an individual mode.
The students’ performance is controlled by experts and computer programs. Not to mention, team projects are recorded for the purpose of further discussion.
The University has more than 15 000 students from all over the world. Additionally, more than 2000 highly-qualified workers work in 140 departments in 4 faculties.
Major University undergraduate programs are delivered fully in English and Russian medium of instruction and provide an excellent opportunity to enhance your international expertise:
Specialist’s and Master’s programs:
- General Medicine
- Dentistry
- Nursing
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacy
- Public Health
PhD programs:
- Chemical Science
- Biological Science
- Fundamental Medicine
- Clinical Medicine (General Medicine profile)
- Clinical Medicine (Pediatrics profile)
- Clinical Medicine (Dentistry profile)
- Preventive Medicine
- Pharmacy
- Psychological Science
- Education and Pedagogic Science
- Historical Science and Archeology
Medical Faculty
The specialist’s degree programme in General Medicine (hereinafter “the Programme”) is designed to prepare a qualified physician, M.D. possessing a complex of universal professional competencies, capable and ready for independent occupational practice.
An objective and qualification tasks of the Programme are based on the Federal State Education Standard of Higher Education for the specialty General Medicine (FSES GM) and the Professional Standard for a Physician, M.D. The Federal State Education Standard of Higher Education for the specialty General Medicine (hereinafter “the Standard”) is developed with due regard to the results of international medical research and current trends in global healthcare. It states that the field of professional activity of graduates who have mastered the Programme includes the protection of health of citizens by ensuring the provision of medical care in accordance with the established requirements and standards in the field of health care. The Standard is a complex of requirements imposed on the relevant educational level – specialist’s degree. The Standard provides equality of educational system in Russia, the continuity and variability of the main education programmes. It ensures the possession of a set of competencies established by the state as a result of education.
The Programme will develop general cultural and professional competencies which will allow a graduate to carry out independent practice as a physician, M.D. Successful graduates will be able to solve the following professional tasks:
- prevention of the occurrence of diseases among the population through preventive and anti-epidemic measures;
- conducting preventive medical examinations, periodic health examination, dispensary observation;
- the collection and medical-statistical analysis of information on the health indicators of the population of different age and gender groups, characterizing their health status;
- diagnosis of diseases and pathological conditions of patients;
- diagnosis of emergency conditions;
- pregnancy diagnosis;
- examination of temporary disability and participation in other types of medical expertise;
- provision of primary medical and sanitary care in outpatient and daycare settings;
- rendering primary medical and healthcare in case of sudden acute diseases, conditions, exacerbation of chronic diseases that are not accompanied by a threat to the patient’s life and do not require emergency medical care;
- participation in the provision of emergency medical care in conditions requiring urgent medical intervention;
- emergency medical care, including participation in medical evacuation;
- participation in the conduct of medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment;
- formation of motivation among the population, patients and their family members, aimed at preserving and strengthening their health and health of those around them;
- patient education on basic hygiene measures of a health-improving nature, contribution to the prevention of the onset of diseases and health promotion;
- organizational and management activities;
- application of the basic principles of the organization of medical care in medical organizations and their structural units;
- creation of favorable conditions in medical organizations for patients and medical personnel;
- keeping records in medical organizations;
- organization of medical expert consultation;
- participation in the organization of assessment of quality of care for patients;
- compliance with basic information security requirements.
- analysis of scientific literature and official statistical reviews, participation in the conduct of statistical analysis and public presentation of results;
- participation in solving individual research, scientific and applied tasks in the field of healthcare for diagnosis, treatment, medical rehabilitation and prevention.
Medical and Preventive faculty
In 1930, with the creation of the First Moscow Medical Institute, a new sanitary-preventive faculty was formed. In 1935 it was renamed to Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty, and in 1992 it was named as Medico-preventive Faculty. The Medical and Preventive Faculty trains sanitary doctors (hygienists and epidemiologists) has become the first in the history of world medical education. The task of the FMSMU’s specialists is to develop a preventive direction in healthcare.
The deans of the faculty were outstanding science-hygienists and healthcare organizers: I.D. Strashun, A.V. Molkov, G.A. Miterev, A.E. Belousov, G.I. Rumyantsev, A.M. Bolshakov, V.F. Kirillov and others. Since 2000, the Head of the Faculty has been Professor Y.V. Nesvizh. Training of future doctors is conducted in 15 departments. The Faculty has 181 lecturers (four of which are academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), 45 professors, 63 associate professors, and 161 employees have a doctoral and PhD degrees.
The traditions of scientific schools are continued to be maintained. Schools were founded by such outstanding scientists like F.F. Erisman, N.A. Semashko, A.V. Molkov, Z.I. Izraelson, S.N. Cherkinsky, E.M. Tareev and others.
- rational nutrition of certain groups of the population,
- nutritional and biological value of new food products,
- clinical nutrition,
- occupational hygiene,
- industrial toxicology and physiology of labor,
- mechanisms of adaptation and intoxication syndromes in acute intestinal invasions of a bacterial nature,
- development of documents of sanitary legislation,
- research on the etiology of diseases caused by conditionally pathogenic microbes,
- scientific foundations of environmental hygiene and occupational diseases,
- organization of work and training of general practitioners and family doctors,
- the study of the relationship of molecular genetics and population levels in the life of infectious agents,
- research in the field of neurology,
- hepatology,
- pulmonology,
- rheumatology,
- occupational diseases.
About 600 people study at the Medical Preventive Faculty. In addition to compulsory disciplines, the curriculum provides elective courses (electives), which allows everyone to improve their training in the field of interest.
With the aim to improve their skills, fifth-year students undergo summer practice at centres of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, and fourth-year students — at stations and substations of the First Aid. Every year hundreds of graduates who have received the specialty “Hygiene, Sanitation and Epidemiology” are sent to sanitary and epidemiological surveillance centers, research institutes, and various institutions of practical public health.
Faculty of Pediatrics
On June 19, 2010 in FMSMU named by I.M. Sechenov the Pediatric Faculty was opened. On September 1, 2010, twenty-six freshmen from the newly created faculty began their studies, and they successfully graduated in 2016. Nowadays, about 1365 students of all years study at the faculty. The main purpose of the Pediatric Faculty is to provide continuing professional education of pediatricians for practical public health.
The clinical bases of the pediatric faculty are:
- Federal State Autonomous Scientific Institution “National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Scientific Center for Children’s Health)
- University Children’s Clinical Hospital of the University of Sechenov
- SBHCI “Children’s Clinical Hospital № 9 named after G.N. Speransky DHCM”
- SBHCI “Children’s City Polyclinic № 125 DHCM”.
From 2005 to 2010, the main focus of the faculty’s work was improvement of qualifications of pediatricians. Since 2010, all departments of the faculty has been gradually involved in the educational process in the system of higher professional education. As of today, all departments of the faculty carry out the teaching of disciplines for students of all years. Work with students is carried out not only during school time, but also at student scientific classes, schools of craftsmanship, which are organized in the departments of the faculty.
The most popular among them are:
- a class in pediatrics at the department of pediatrics and pediatric rheumatology,
- a class in pediatric surgery,
- a class in propaedeutic of children’s diseases,
- a class in neonatology,
- a school of excellence in pediatrics and pediatric surgery
and others.
The students involved in the classes regularly make reports at scientific conferences, both in Russia and abroad. Not to mention, members of the class of pediatric surgery become winners of the annual All-Russian Student Scientific Conference on Pediatric Surgery on a regular basis.
Tasks of the faculty:
- Training qualified specialists with higher medical education at the request of health care on the basis of the close connection of the educational process with clinical practice and research
- Improving the system of higher professional education and additional professional education, as well as continuing medical education of pediatricians, including primary care
- Participation in scientific research aimed at ensuring the reduction of infant mortality, the prevention of diseases of childhood and improving the quality of life of children and teenagers; use of the results in the educational process· Providing highly qualified medical care for children
- The spread of medical scientific achievements.
Preparatory Department
The mission of the faculty is to provide high-quality lead-up for enrollee on admission to Sechenov University by forming professional motivation and further adaptation to education process in university.
Different courses lead-up:
- additional profile education in specialized biomedical classes in elementary high schools and in resources center “Sechenov medical pre universe”
- Preparation to USE on biology, chemistry, Russian language and professional orientation entrance tests in preparatory courses
- University Saturdays
- Organization of All-Russian Sechenov’s School competition and pre-profile Sechenov’s School competition
- Organization of pre-professional exams
Additional profile education in specialized biomedical classes in elementary high schools (school to university complex) counts up to 20 years of history. Accumulated experience of enrollee lead-up enables students to get more than 70% of high scores in USE. Students who trained in biomedical classes are characterized by high academic performance and tend to consciously choose further profession after university. Many continue to work in Sechenov University divisions during writing doctoral and PhD theses.
Profile subject education is carried out with the help of highly-qualified professors of General Biology, Genetics, Botanics, General Chemistry, Russian language, Medical and Biological Physics and latin departments. Educational tests are held to assess the real level of knowledge on profile subjects and to prepare students to USE exams.
One of the objectives of profile biomedical classes is the opportunity to consciously choose future profession. The University conducts excursions and thematic classes in clinics, anatomical museums and medical history museums for students of biomedical classes.
Course “Step into medicine” takes place in biomedical classes with certificate upon completion. Within this course, all students have the opportunity to take part in work of Sechenov clinics and prophylactic establishments and do practical training on innovative platform in educational virtual complex “Mentor Medicus” of Sechenov University.
Preparatory courses focus on training in Biology, Chemistry, Russian language and on initiation tests of professional orientation. Most students get high scores on USE and successfully pass entrance exams of Sechenov University. Effective preparation to USE and entrance professional test is not the only benefit of the preparatory courses. Courses taught by highly-qualified professors of Sechenov FMSMU University guarantee that the students are given quality education at the University, as well as the best adaptation to studies from the very first year.
All students who have successfully finished Biomedical classes and Preparatory courses get the status of pre-university faculty listener.
The benefits of status of a pre-university listener of Sechenov University are:
- First successful step into students’ and professors’ collective of Sechenov University
- Confirmation of finishing the AP classes (Biology, Chemistry, Russian language) for students of Biomedical courses and “Step into medicine”
- High level and competitiveness of received knowledge and skills
- Opportunity to know first about all courses held by Sechenov University for students of secondary vocational training.
Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic and cultural center. It was founded eight centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Precisely, historians have concluded that the city was founded in the year of 1147. Gradually, Moscow became bigger and more widespread.
Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about 900 square km., and the population of the city is over 8 million people. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it has a lot of points of interest to visit. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. The Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. Not to mention, Moscow is a city of students, and there are over 80 higher educational institutions, including several universities.
The hostels of FMSMU have all necessary conditions for students. The university provides students with furniture, necessary bedding and ability to use social facilities. Dormitories are well-equipped and fully-furnished with necessary household appliances, have laundry rooms and the Internet.
Undergraduate Education | |
Tuition fee, English medium | 1-6th years: 11 800 USD per year |
Tuition fee, Russian medium | 1-6th years: 9 600 USD per year* |
Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency) | |
Tuition fee | 1-3rd years: 10 000 USD per year |
Preparatory Department fee | 4 900 USD per year |
Accommodation / Hostel fee | 3 600 USD per year |
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