N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University now boasting a status of a National research university is a Federal state budgetary academic institution of higher education offering the whole spectrum of academic programmes for undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students; among its core activity is fundamental and applied research, further training and qualification improvement courses for teaching staff and scholars. It is the major higher education institution in the Republic. By the Federal government edict dated of 20th May 2010 Ogarev Mordovia State University was conferred a category “National research university”.
Founded in 1931 as the Agronomy Pedagogical Institute it gradually expanded and granted the University status in 1957. Its appearance was a milestone in the evolution of quality education in the Republic of Mordovia. The great majority (about 75%) of eligible Mordovian students attend Ogarev Mordovia State University. This determines its pivotal role as a centre of education, research, culture and services for Mordovia and its people. …
Ogarev Mordovia State University is situated in Saransk (popul. 298,000), capital of the Republic of Mordovia, 620 kilometers south east of Moscow. With its 28 academic buildings, 12 residence halls (9 for undergraduate students and 3 for graduate students and academic staff) it is active in other Mordovian towns where it has 2 filiations.
Teaching staff is of some 1.700 (13,5% of doctors, full professors and 66% of seniour lecturers).
Prospective students can choose from a variety of 133 available tracks of undergraduate and graduate study and concentration areas within full-time, part-time and evening programmes.
The University has a student population composed of over 13.000 full timers, 8.000 part timers and 240 evening students. There are also over 300 international students.
Full time curriculum covers either 4 or 5-year periods of study depending on degree programme; evening and part-time education requires 6 years.
Bachelor degrees are conferred upon completion of a 4-year period of study. Medical Institute offers 6 and 7-year programmes of study respectively.
The learning and teaching methods focus on direct contact with students through lectures, workshops and practical classes. Throughout their course students are expected to complete theoretical and practical tasks and assignments and to undertake tests and final examinations at the end of each semester.
Mordovia State University confers the following academic qualifications:
Bachelor Degree Diploma (4-year programme of study);
Diploma of Higher Education (5-year programme of study);
Master Degree Diploma (2 more years after completion of a Bachelor degree programme;
Diploma of Kandidat Nauk degree/PhD 1st level (further 3 years within the chosen field of study and thesis defended upon completion of a graduate study period);
Diploma of Doctor Nauk/Doctorskaya degree (three more years of a postgraduate study after Kandidat Nauk degree culminated in presenting dissertation).
Upon successful completion of above programmes the graduates receive a diploma approved by the Russian Federal Ministry of Science and Education.
Colleges (institutes):
Physics and Chemistry Institute
Physics / Medical physics / Physics of condensed matter
Chemistry, physics and mechanics of materials / Functional, structural materials and nanomaterials
Chemical technology
History and Sociology Institute
Social work / Social protection and social services for families and children
Mechanics and Power Engineering Institute
Heat-power engineering and heat technology / Energy of heat technologies / Energy supply companies
Power engineering and electrotechnics / Power supply
Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes / Automotive service
Agroengineering / Technical service in agriculture / Technical systems in agribusiness / Technological equipment for storage of agricultural products
Agrarian Institute
Landscape architecture
Animal Science / Technology of production of livestock products
Machine Building Institute (Ruzayevka campus )
Engineering Support for Machine Building Manufacture / Design and technology computer science. CAD / Mechanical engineering technology / Metalworking machines and complexes
institute of electronics and lighting engineering
Computer science and engineering / Automated systems of information processing and controlling
Information security / Organization and technology of information protection
Infocommunication technologies and communication systems / Communication network and switching system
Optical technology / Lighting
Institute of national and folk culture
Advertising and public relations / Advertising and public relations in the commercial field / Advertising and public relations in the industry
Art education / Art education (choreographic art)
Art education (arts and crafts)
Folk art culture / Amateur Theater Guide / Guide Studio of arts and crafts / The management of the amateur choreographic group
Library and information science / The technology of automated library and information resources
The art of folk singing / Choral folk singing
Design / Costume design / Environmental design / Graphic design
Institute for Supplementary Training and Qualification Improvement with
A range of related faculties are grouped within the Inter-branch Regional Centre for Supplementary Training.
In addition, University divisions in other towns of Mordovia provide for educating facilities in Economics and Law Studies.
Faculty of architecture and construction engineering
Architecture/ Architectural designing Interior design
Design of architectural environment/ The design of the urban environment
Construction / Cost Engineering Industrial and civil construction / industrialO and civil construction
Faculty of mathematics and and information technology
Faculty of philology
Faculty of economics
Faculty of Law
Mordovia State University welcomes international and non-local students and provides them with comfortable living conditions at 13 hostels (halls of residence). Eleven of them are located on campus, two on remoted campuses in Ruzayevka and Kovylkono). Hostels currently accommodate more than 4500 students.
Two more de luxe halls of residence were opened in 2010 to accommodate more than 1000 students. They are located in Moskovskaya and B. Khmelnitsky streets and offer comfortable rooms, each has a cable TV, a fridge, a shower cabin. Equipped with external video surveillance system and a card reading system on entry doors, it makes them the safest place for living. Among the facilities are computer classes with an Internet access, laundry rooms, performance halls and fitness rooms. Here you will find all necessary conditions to pursue studies and have adequate rest. Accommodation fee is less than 5 % of regular scholarship. All international applicants are placed at halls of residence should they opt for it.
Saransk is a city in the eastern part of Central Russia, the capital of the Republic of Mordovia, standing on both banks of the Insar River, 656 km southeast of Moscow (by road).
Saransk has a relatively chilly version of the humid continental climate with warm but not hot summers and cold winters, that averages well below freezing for five months of the year. Transition periods are extremely short and only April and October are between 0 °C (32 °F) and 10 °C (50 °F) in mean temperatures.
Saransk places of interest
The main architectural monuments of Saransk are Church of St. John the Evangelist (Demokraticheskaya Street, 28), Three Saints Church (the second half of the 18th century, Moskovskaya Street, 48), Pugachev tent (Moskovskaya Street, 48).
Saransk museums
Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts named after S.D.Erzya (Kommunisticheskaya Street, 61),
Mordovian Republican Joint Local History Museum named after I.D.Voronin (Moskovskaya Street, 48),
The Museum of Military and Labor Heroism (1941-1945) (Sovetskaya Street, 34a),
International Friendship Museum (Botevgradskaya Street, 43),
The Museum of Mordovian Culture (Sovetskaya Street, 19),
The Museum of A.I. Polezhaev (Saranskaya Street, 51),
Fire Safety Museum (Furmanova Street, 15a.).
Saransk theaters
State Russian Drama Theater of the Republic of Mordovia (Sovetskaya Street, 60),
State Puppet Theater of the Republic of Mordovia (Volodarskogo Street, 90a),
Mordovian State National Drama Theater (Sovetskaya Street, 27),
State Musical Theater of the Republic of Mordovia named after I.M.Yaushev (Bogdana Khmelnitskogo Street, 36).
Saransk monuments
The monument to Stratonavts at Railway Square,
The monument to the poet A.I.Polezhaev,
The monument to A.S.Pushkin,
The memorial complex to the soldiers of Mordovia, who fell in 1941-1945.
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