N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University now boasting a status of a National research university is a Federal state budgetary academic institution of higher education offering the whole spectrum of academic programmes for undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students; among its core activity is fundamental and applied research, further training and qualification improvement courses for teaching staff and scholars. It is the major higher education institution in the Republic. By the Federal government edict dated of 20th May 2010 Ogarev Mordovia State University was conferred a category “National research university”.

Founded in 1931 as the Agronomy Pedagogical Institute it gradually expanded and granted the University status in 1957. Its appearance was a milestone in the evolution of quality education in the Republic of Mordovia. The great majority (about 75%) of eligible Mordovian students attend Ogarev Mordovia State University. This determines its pivotal role as a centre of education, research, culture and services for Mordovia and its people.

Ogarev Mordovia State University is situated in Saransk (popul. 298,000), capital of the Republic of Mordovia, 620 kilometers south east of Moscow. With its 28 academic buildings, 12 residence halls (9 for undergraduate students and 3 for graduate students and academic staff) it is active in other Mordovian towns where it has 2 filiations.

Teaching staff is of some 1.700 (13,5% of doctors, full professors and 66% of seniour lecturers).

Prospective students can choose from a variety of 133 available tracks of undergraduate and graduate study and concentration areas within full-time, part-time and evening programmes.

The University has a student population composed of over 13.000 full timers, 8.000 part timers and 240 evening students. There are also over 300 international students.

Full time curriculum covers either 4 or 5-year periods of study depending on degree programme; evening and part-time education requires 6 years. 

Bachelor degrees are conferred upon completion of a 4-year period of study. Medical Institute offers 6 and 7-year programmes of study respectively.

The learning and teaching methods focus on direct contact with students through lectures, workshops and practical classes. Throughout their course students are expected to complete theoretical and practical tasks and assignments and to undertake tests and final examinations at the end of each semester.

Mordovia State University confers the following academic qualifications:

  • Bachelor Degree Diploma (4-year programme of study);
  • Diploma of Higher Education (5-year programme of study);
  • Master Degree Diploma (2 more years after completion of a Bachelor degree programme;
  • Diploma of Kandidat Nauk degree/PhD 1st level (further 3 years within the chosen field of study and thesis defended upon completion of a graduate study period);
  • Diploma of Doctor Nauk/Doctorskaya degree (three more years of a postgraduate study after Kandidat Nauk degree culminated in presenting dissertation).

Upon successful completion of above programmes the graduates receive a diploma approved by the Russian Federal Ministry of Science and Education.



Medicine Institute is one of the leading departments of Mordovia State University in Mordovia – the largest educational, intellectual, scientific research and cultural center of Russia, largely determines the direction and pace of socio-economic, political and spiritual life of the region and country.

The training infrastructure is represented by 20 departments, divisions practical training of students, the regional educational, scientific and medical research complex. Postgraduate and additional education department provided clinical internship, the department of clinical internship, a center of advanced medicine and retraining. Trained medical staff carry 2 academicians and a corresponding member of RAMS, 8 academicians of public and foreign academies, 36 doctors, professors and 180 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 8 – Honored Scientist of Russia and Mordovia, 7 – Honored Worker of Higher School, 13 – distinguished physicians and Russia Mordovia. Members of the Board of All-Russian scientific and technical advice and scientific societies in Russia are 46 scientists, 42 – Presidents of scientific and medical societies and public institutions of Mordovia.

The Institute of Medicine has adequate space, logistical and clinical base for training highly qualified specialists. There are four academic buildings, the class of Internet, computer and eight videoklassov, language laboratory, a library of medical literature, reading room, conference and sports facilities, ski lodge, dining room, a dormitory. Clinical departments and courses are located in major hospitals and Saransk Republic of Mordovia.

Training of physicians in three specialties is – “Medicine” and “Pediatrics”, in 2011, the specialty “Pharmacy”. Currently, the institute has students from different regions of the Russian Federation, Armenia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Yemen, Germany, Pakistan, Egypt, India, Sri Lanka, Syria, Cameroon, Sudan and other institutions have recognized the World Directory of Medical schools (Geneva), The World of Learning (Fortysecond Edition) (United Kingdom & Ireland), accredited by the Medical Council of Sri Lanka. The quality and level of special training for students – medical department of the university is one of the best medical schools / institutions in Russia. Our graduates are working adequately in many regions of Russia and the United States, Britain, Germany, Israel, Guinea, Yemen, Australia, Tunisia, CIS, etc

The Institute implemented a system of continuing medical education (clinical internship, residency, postgraduate study, training and retraining of doctors). Training is conducted in a clinical internship in 22 specialties, clinical residency – to 25 specialties in graduate school – in 18 specialties, training and retraining – to education programs Continuing Professional Education 24 specialties. Total enrollment is approximately 2000, clinical interns – 150 medical residents – 150 graduate students – 70, students training center and retraining of doctors – more than 300 professionals. Every year in the post-graduate education are trained about 50 foreign specialists (specialties: cardiology, obstetrics and gynecology, dermatovenereology, otolaryngology, ophthalmology, functional diagnostics, surgery, neurology, internal medicine, traumatology and orthopedics, urology, etc.).

Scientific innovation infrastructure includes laboratories of departments and courses, the central research laboratory, vivarium, an anatomical museum, museums organopatologii and the History of Medicine, 14 research centers and other staff of the institute and students participate in the development and implementation of federal, regional and sectoral, interagency and international programs. The pride of the institute are schools of thought, leading the development of the efferent and quantum hematherapy in Surgery (Prof. JH Piksin) operational Combustiology and Critical Care Medicine (Prof. N. Belyaev) Pharmacology (Prof. VI Inchina) ; neuromorphology (Prof. M. Ivanov).

Manpower training in their own graduate is 18, and doctoral – to 4 specialties. Since 1993 the Institute has specialized tips for doctoral and master’s theses:

Cell biology, cytology, histology (biological sciences, medical sciences);

Human Anatomy (medical sciences);

Surgery (medical sciences);

Physiopathology (medical sciences);

Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology (medical sciences).

The medical-diagnostic and clinical staff work done on the basis of medical – diagnostic counseling center, 27 national and urban clinical health care settings.

Students’ Science is one of the priorities of the institute. Its diverse forms: participation in scientific circles in the theoretical and clinical departments, publication of scientific articles, making presentations at international and Russian scientific meetings, conferences, university-wide “Ogarevo reading” and young scientists, development and protection of research papers. Traditionally, medical students are actively involved in the All-Russia competitions of scientific works, and in 2004, rated a student’s science department took the 4th place among all the medical schools of the country and a place among the medical schools of the Volga. Young scientists and physicians published scientific almanac “Medical foundation of life in normal and pathological experiment”, which annex to the journal “Bulletin of the University of Mordovia.”



Institute of Agriculture’s history began in 1931 simultaneously with Mordovia Teachers’ Training Agro-Institute. It is only in 1957 when Agro-Institute was granted a University Status the Institute’s academic curricula and syllabi had been given a new impetus, revision and update.

Today Institute of Agriculture represents an independent structural division as part of Ogarev Mordovia State University, preparing highly qualified specialists for agrarian sector of economy in the Republic of Mordovia and Russian Federation.

Preparation of specialists is conducted in four specialities:

  • Agronomy (qualification “Scientist-Agronomist” and “Bachelor of Agriculture”)
  • Zootechnics (qualification “Zooengineer” and “Bachelor of Agriculture”),
  • Veterinary Science (qualification “Veterinarian”)
  • Technology of Agricultural Production and Сrop Processing (qualification “Technologist of Agricultural Production”)

The Institute has necessary educational, scientific and material resources in order to offer competitive learning environment. The Institute is situated in a separate building with modern laboratories and lecture halls.

There are five computer classes, a Soil Science Museum, Anatomic and Patho-anatomical Museums, Veterinary Clinic, library with the subscription and a reading room, a sports gym, an assembly hall, a dining room, a hostel at the disposal of students.

The Institute structure includes six chairs of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Agriculture; Zootechnics; Veterinary Pathology; Morphology and Animal Physiology; Technology of Agricultural Production and Processing of Livestock-breeding Output, Technology of Agricultural Production and Processing of Crop Output, scientific research Institute “Agrocomplex”, and test laboratory of biological objects’ quality, feeding of agricultural animals and poultry, study farm.

The Institute has highly-skilled personnel: among 74 teachers of Institute 25 are Doctors of Science, Professors and 49 persons have the degree Kandidat Nauk (PhD 1 level).

Scientific schools recognized in Russia work here. Functioning of three Dissertation boards of Doctorskaya and Kandidatskaya theses (further 3 years within the chosen field of study and thesis defended upon completion of a graduate study period) serves as a proof of this fact. For graduates of the Institute who decided to devote themselves to scientific work there is a post-graduate course, doctoral studies and correspondence post-graduate course on all specialties of agrarian field of knowledge.

Students pass an industrial practice in the best agricultural enterprises of Republic Mordovia, many post-graduate students and teachers conduct scientific research on this basis. Since 2000 the most prepared (especially on German language) students do practical work on the program “LOGO” (Germany). Since 2001 the departure of students for practice with the help of government in Republic Mordovia and Germany is organised, and since 2006 students had one more possibility of practice abroad on the program «APOLLO» (Germany). In total more than 70 students have passed industrial practice abroad. Since 2005 4th and 5th year students of Agrarian institute of all specialties have courses of practical training at the Centre for practical training of specialists in Agriculture Republic Mordovia. They master practical skills applying theoretical knowledge that was received during studies.

Agrarian Institute has developed strong communications with leaders of higher agricultural establishments of Russia and leading research Institutes:

  • Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy,
  • Skryabin Moscow Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology,
  • Pryanishnikov Research Institute of Agrochemistry,
  • Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Research Institute of Breeding, etc.

At present over 1000 international students are trained at Institute.



The Faculty has come a long way to the formation and development. During these years, released 4800 Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers in 1500, 300 Power Engineers. During this period formed the faculty primarily from among the graduates, of which there are 8 doctors and professors and 42 candidates of sciences, and had taken steps to improve the practical training of experts produced, for which the faculty has 30 tractors of all classes, 20 grain and other harvesters, and 15 special education vehicles.

In subsequent years, is constantly evolving material and technical base and improved the structure of the department. In 1979, construction began on a new building, which in 1986 began the new academic year the Faculty of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture (the effective area of 8.0 thousand m2 and 16 m2 per student). Were subsequently put into operation the following objects: a dining room for 220 seats, summer stadium, training ground, first and foremost a hostel for 640 people.

Since 1989, the faculty works of seven departments:

  • metal technology and repair of vehicles;
  • operation of machines and tractors;
  • agricultural machinery;
  • life safety;
  • mechanization of animal husbandry and processing agricultural products;
  • electrification and automation of agricultural production;
  • energy production facilities.
  • Agricultural and Industrial Institute of the University.
  • the mechanization of food processing plant.
  • Power supply for enterprises.”
  • Service and maintenance of vehicles and those technologically machinery and equipment.
  • Design Basics mechanisms and machines.
  • Mechanic.
  • The technology of maintenance and repair of machinery of agriculture.




The faculty of the national culture was created in 1991 and in 2006 was reorganized into the Institute of National Culture (INC).

The Institute is aimed at the revival, preservation and development in modern society the spiritual traditions of the peoples of Russia, a multi-ethnic cultural identities effects of Mordovia, the establishment of closer international cooperation in the field of arts and education.

During its existence the Institute has grown into a real cultural center, equipped with specialized workshops, training and creative labs, computer labs with Internet access. During these years, the department and specialty expanded, changed their names, but left unchanged the appointment of the Institute – training the intellectually developed, creatively and professionally trained to work the actors, librarians, bibliographers and technology of automatic infor-mation resources, designers, conductors and singers, culture, managers studio arts and crafts, advertising specialists, choreographers.

Institute graduates in demand in the labor market of the republic and beyond its borders: in the archives, libraries, theaters, art groups, a philharmonic, advertising agencies, media, educational institutions. Among them are the heads of cultural institutions. Many have become laureates of State Prize of RM and RM Head Award.



Institute of Physics and Chemistry (IPC) was found in 1994 on the basis of two original departments initially set up in Mordovian State University in 1970 – Department of Physics and in 1974 – Department of Chemistry. The Departments’ history goes back to 1931-1932 when Physicotechnical and Chemical divisions were established in Mordovian Agropedagogical Institute the latter being an ancestor of the N.P.Ogarev Mordovia State University.

Currently IPC is one of the largest educational and scientific bodies of the Mordovian University. The Institute provides educational service for the students specializing in the following courses:



Radio Engineering.


More than 600 students are doing full time, part time and evening training courses in the Institute. 90 lecturers including 11 professors conduct training and lecturing. Most of the engineers and laboratory assistants have basic University education. Humanities, economics and basic natural sciences are included in the curriculum of the other Departments and Institutes.
Physical Chairs are conducting scientific research analyzing physical properties and structure of condensed mediums with the target to receive tailored materials. Great attention is paid to the investigation of structural, magnetic and optical properties of solid state bodies (Chair of General Physics, Chair of Experimental Physics); physical properties of metals and alloys with specific properties (Chair of Solid State Science); theoretical research in the fields of Physics of Nanostructures and High Temperature Conduction (Chair of Theoretical Physics).
The Chairs of Chemical Division concentrate their efforts on the research of chemical properties of substances and synthesis of the materials with pre-tailored chemical properties. Within these frames some new organic combinations are examined (Chair of Organic Chemistry), some new methods of chemical analysis of substances compositions are worked out and methods allowing to extract metals from the electrochemical industry wastes are proposed (Chair of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Chair of Analytical Chemistry), physical and chemical properties of the organic systems are investigated (Chair of Physical Chemistry). The results of these investigations are published in leading Russian and world journals. High importance and effectiveness of these research works are testified by the facts that the scientists of the IPC are awarded with the grants of the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research, Education Ministry of RF and the Government of Republic Mordovia.

The Institute keeps academic relations with the leading Russian and foreign Universities, successfully cooperates with the organizations of Russian Academy of Science (Scientific Centre of Fiberoptics of RAS) and Scientific Centre of Laser Materials and Technologies (GPI n.a. A.M.Prokhorov RAS). There are three centres of research and education (REC) functioning on the base of IPC:

High purity materials and elements of fiber optics and laser machinery.

Special ceramic materials for high-tech industries.

Modern solid and fiber laser physics.

IPC actively performs training of the academic staff of high qualification. More than 20 post-graduate students are currently taking course in the Institute. High level of knowledge in academic and natural sciences provides the graduates of IPC for fast adaptation in industrial, pedagogical and scientific environments. IPC graduates successfully work for practically all industrial, research and business companies of Saransk. Being well qualified in the field of computer design the IPC graduates use these skills in their work for banks, commercial companies, plants and Institutes. A number of graduates are successfully keeping high managing positions, some of them being capable to receive the second higher education. Due to the critical growth of the environmental problems the demand on the Chemical Division graduates is rising rather significantly. The radio-engineers graduating from the Institute have an opportunity to work in any sphere connected with maintenance and usage of radio-electronic devices: modern means of communication, satellite TV, radio-electronic security systems, etc.

IPC students successfully participate in various contests and competitions of national level, obtaining high prize positions. Annually a number of the students’ research works receive medals and diplomas of Ministry of Education of RF. There are good conditions for extra-curricular activities. Students club “Omega” unites the students by interests including Students’ Revue Theatre, Intellectuals Club and Dance Studio.




Historical and Sociological Institute today:

– A dynamic humanitarian educational and research university center with a promising potential for innovation;

– A highly qualified teaching staff;

– A prestigious and sought after profession;

– This authoritative scientific schools;

– Is a rich tradition that is stored and multiply the glory of higher education in Russia. We have a lot to be proud!

In 1934, Mordovia State Teachers’ Training Institute was established specialty “History”, which at different times was part of the historical-philological, historical, geographical, historical faculties. In 1994, the Rector’s order on the basis of the History Department was formed Historical and Sociological Institute.

The structure of the Institute consists of 15 departments. Preparing students for being in the field and areas of “History”, “Psychology,” “Politics”, “Regionovdenie”, “Sociology” “Social Work”. In all areas of training are master’s programs. Provides a highly trained students faculty. The staff of the Institute – a Corresponding Member of RAS, 26 Doctors and 102 Candidates of Sciences.

Only in the last four years members of the Institute published 76 monographs, 12 textbooks, 79 textbooks, published over 2000 articles.

The Institute is the initiator and organizer of scientific conferences of different status. From 2005 to 2007. jointly with the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the Russian and world economic history of a cycle of international conferences “Industrial Heritage” have become an event not only regional but also of national and international scale. Annually, there are conferences devoted to the memory of outstanding scholars in the humanities – Safargalievskie, Kleyankinskie, Merkushkinskie, Voroninsky, Balashov, scientific reading of Bakhtin, who in recent years acquired the status of All-Russia.

The Institute developed and effectively there are four officially registered schools of “Russian moral philosophy” (head doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor E. Mochalov), “Sociology” (Honored Worker of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. Sukharev ), “Ethnology Finno-Ugric peoples of the Ural-Volga” (Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Honored Worker of Science of the RM, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor NF Mokshin), “Economic and social history of European Russia XVIII – XIX centuries” (Honored science RM, Corresponding Member of RAS, NM Arsentiev).

The Institute has 2 dissertation councils for doctoral and master’s theses: the historical sciences, under the chairmanship of Corresponding Member of RAS, NM Arsentyev, on the philosophical and sociological sciences, chaired by Professor A. Sukharev.

Team of teachers and students of the institute 11 times (out of 12 held) became the winner of the Festival of Students’ Creativity Mordovia State University.

As a result of “All-Russian competition of models and projects for the organization of educational activities in schools” conducted by the Ministry of Education of the project, the concept of social and educational activities of historical and sociological institute was awarded the diploma of I degree.




Underpinned by the modern system of research, development and innovative structures Mordovia State University is currently one of the largest science centres in Russia, conducting research in 28 fields of science.

The university is a recognised centre for training scientific and teaching staff: there are 14 doctoral dissertation boards in 27 specialisation areas. The graduate studies are available in 93 specialisation areas within 18 fields of science and the post-graduate (doctoral) studies in 18 specialisation areas within 10 fields. The university, like other 15 universities in Russia, offers a degree programme for applicants, wishing to occupy administrative posts in federal and regional government authorities in the country.

Mordovia State University strives to use a multi-channel fund-raising for research activity. The average annual funding allocated for the said activity has comprised 360 million rubles over the past three years. The university is a leader in a few federal and 20 regional scientific programmes, which allow to realise the full cycle of innovative research in creating scientific, technical and educational products. Like many other academic establishments Mordovia State University is seeking external financial support. In 2012 three applicants won Russian President’s Grants for Young Russian Scholars.

The university successfully integrates with leading research centres and scientific schools in Russia and abroad universities of UK, Germany, Hungary, US, Sweden, Finland and some other countries by implementing joint projects and programmes. One of the most internationalised field of research is Finno-ugric Philology/Linguistics. There is an Interregional Science Centre for Finno-Ugric Nations in the Volga Region that coordinates activities in this direction. There are 10 regional offices of public Russian and international academies of sciences at the University.

In 2012 Mordovia State University has planned to hold 70 international and Russian scientific conferences, schools and seminars. Leading research groups make an important contribution to the generation of new knowledge in natural science and humanities through publication of monographs, course books, teaching aids, proceedings of conferences, encyclopedias and other academic literature for students and high school leavers.

The university publishes 6 peer-reviewed federal journals. Among them are – “Integration of Education”, “Regional studies”, “Bulletin of Mordovia State University” and 1 international one named “Finno-Ugric World “.

Scientific and technological achievements of the university are annually exhibited locally and internationally and has been recently (for the last three years) recognised by 13 medals and 73 diplomas.

Developing the infrastructure of innovative research the University has to deal with objects of intellectual property. It currently holds 127 patents in the fields of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, power engineering, agriculture, biotechnology, medicine, etc.; there are over 40 applications for receiving industrial property rights, submitted annually to the Federal Institute of Industrial Property.

Up to 3 national academic Olympiads and competitions in various specialties are annually held for the undergraduate students by the faculties/institutes of the University. By the number of medals and diplomas, won by our students at the Russian Open Contest of Scientific Works in Natural Sciences and Humanities in 2011, Mordovia State University has taken on the leadership in the Volga Federal Region (the awards received in 17 fields of science).



Mordovia State University welcomes international and non-local students and provides them with comfortable living conditions at 13 hostels (halls of residence). Eleven of them are located on campus, two on remoted campuses in Ruzayevka and Kovylkono). Hostels currently accommodate more than 4500 students.

Two more de luxe halls of residence were opened in 2010 to accommodate more than 1000 students. They are located in Moskovskaya and B. Khmelnitsky streets and offer comfortable rooms, each has a cable TV, a fridge, a shower cabin. Equipped with external video surveillance system and a card reading system on entry doors, it makes them the safest place for living. Among the facilities are computer classes with an Internet access, laundry rooms, performance halls and fitness rooms. Here you will find all necessary conditions to pursue studies and have adequate rest. 



Mordovia is situated in the centre of the European part of Russia at the intersection of the most important transport arteries connecting Moscow – Samara – Nizhniy Novgorod – Saratov. It borders the regions of Nizhniy Novgorod, Ryazan, Penza, Ulyanovsk and Chuvashia being a part of Volga Federal District. Population – 800 thousand people.

The climate is temperate continental. At the junction of the woodland and steppe natural zones the rivers Moksha, Alatyr and Sura are flowing through the virgin woods and vast fields. In general there are 114 large and small rivers and 500 lakes. In Mordovia there are more than 100 areas of outstanding natural beauty including Simkino Lanscape Reserve, Mordovian Natural Reserve named after P.G.Smidovich and National Park “Smolny”.

Mordovia is a multinational republic. Throughout the centuries the Russians, Mordovians (Erzya and Moksha) and Tatars live here side by side. State languages are Russian, Erzya and Moksha. At the current years the republic is turning to the real centre of the Ugro-Finnish world. The Mordovian expats come here to study, work and live. In 2012 Russia celebrates 1000-year anniversary of the Mordovian People unity with the Peoples of the Russian State.


The republic is famous for its spiritual centres of the national-wide scale striking with their beauty and majesty. They are Paigarm Nunnery and Sanaksar Monastery. The latter hosting the relics of Saint Warrior Admiral Fedor Ushakov.

Saransk is not only one of the oldest cities in Middle Volga Region and the Mordovia’s capital, but also a true university city. Every tenth of its citizens either studies or works at N.P.Ogarev Mordovian State University, the largest university of the Volga Region. Among other academic institutions, apart from University, there are Evsevyev Teachers’ Training Institute, Saransk Institute of Consumers’ Cooperatives and Institutes of Humanities. 


Cultural Heritage Saransk – the numerous theaters, museums, libraries: Mordovian Republican Museum of Fine Arts, SD Erzya, Mordovia republic museum, the Museum of Mordvinian culture, the Museum of the military and labor exploits, the State Russian Drama Theatre, Mordovia National Drama Theatre, State Musical Theatre named after I.M. Yausheva.

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