ABOUT The Far-Eastern State Medical University 

The Far-Eastern State Medical University (FESMU) was founded in 1930.
Education is conducted according to the License and State accreditation in the following specialties: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Biomedicine, Clinical Psychology, Social Work, Healthcare Management.
FESMU is the oldest higher medical school in the Far East. Throughout its existence, the University strived to achieve the main goal of training highly qualified specialists in the field of healthcare capable of giving medical aid to the population based on the most advanced treatment and diagnostic techniques.

Educational process is primarily carried out at the clinical bases comprising treatment and prevention facilities of Khabarovsk city and Khabarovsk Territory.

The University has two Clinics serving also as training bases: Consultative and Diagnostic Clinic “Clinic for Family Medicine Practice” and the Dental Clinic “UNI-STOM”.

The Consultative and diagnostic polyclinic has been training general practitioners (family physicians) for 15 years. The dental clinic is the Dental faculty main clinical base where not only patients receive treatment but also advanced medical techniques are developed and introduced.

The teaching staff working at the clinical bases do a lot of treatment-and-consultation work. Six FESMU faculty members became the winners of the “All-Russia Contest of Doctors” in their specialties, which can serve as the evidence of the high professional teaching standards of our university professors and associate professors.

Theoretical studies are carried out in 3 educational buildings of the University. The education is based on the educational programs of medical specialties according to the requirements of the State Medical Standard.

The academic year starts in September and ends in June or in July. The exams are held twice a year (in winter and in spring).

Subdivisions of the University provide high quality education, scientific work and everyday life of students and tutors. Students and doctors studying at the University live in 3 comfortable dormitories in the center of Khabarovsk.

Each year about 450 doctors and pharmacists graduate from the University, about 3,500 specialists with higher education and about 600 specialists with secondary professional education improve their qualification.

The Far Eastern State Medical University is involved in active cooperation with the foreign colleagues in the field of advanced medical and educational technologies, clinical and experimental medicine. This cooperation focuses on the exchange of experience in the organization of teaching process, on the scientific research and joint projects.



The Medical-prophylactic Faculty trains specialists in “General Medicine”. The period of studying is 6 years.

It is the oldest faculty at the FESMU. It has been training specialists in “General Medicine” since 1930. The first graduation took place in 1935. The faculty was developing along with the development and formation of the medical institute, which was the only medical establishment in the Far East at that time.

New educational techniques and methods have been introduced into the teaching process as well as computer-based testing programs, presentation technologies, simulation equipment and phantoms.

Education is conducted in three University buildings and at the clinical bases in more than 10 regional and municipal medical institutions. Studying process includes theoretical course and practice.

Training is conducted in the form of lectures, practical classes and seminars. Practical skills are acquired through training on phantoms, being on duty in hospitals, managing patients, solving situational tasks.

A graduate of the Medical faculty majoring in “General medicine” receives a diploma of higher education. After primary accreditation, the graduate will have the right to independent treatment-and-prophylactic activities as a district primary care physician.

A course of training at the faculty also allows to continue education in a clinical residency, at post-graduate courses (at theoretical departments). Post-graduate education provides a wide variety of options in the fields of therapy, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology and diagnostics.

Graduate-doctor is going to continue the education in residency and postgraduate courses according to the programs of postgraduate education. In this way, graduates can acquire such medical specialties as surgeon, physician, obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, endocrinologist, traumatologist-orthopedist, psychiatrist, anesthesiologist, resuscitator, general practitioner and others.

A graduate of this faculty can also hold positions in the healthcare system which are not directly related to the treatment of patients but which are associated with research work in theoretical and fundamental medicine.


 The Pediatric Faculty trains specialists in “Pediatrics”. The period of studying is 6 years.

The Pediatric Faculty was organized in 1958. Over 6 000 doctors have been trained at the faculty throughout its existence. The care of Far Eastern children’s health became a matter of their concern.

The Pediatric Faculty and Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood Protection are working in close contact with each other. Scientific research carried out on the base of the research institute is widely used in the diagnostics and treatment of many children’s diseases.

Specialized departments make wide application of video materials, teaching computer programs and simulator classrooms.

During the first three years of studies students of the Pediatric faculty receive instruction in theoretical branches of medical science: Normal Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, etc.

After the third year students obtain knowledge of clinical subjects. Students’ education is carried on in conditions similar to practical medicine. The bases of practical education are the Khabarovsk Territory Children’s Clinical Hospital named after A.K. Piotrovich, the Scientific Research Institute of Maternity and Childhood Protection, the Municipal Pediatric Clinics.

A graduate of the pediatric faculty majoring in “Pediatrics” receives a diploma of higher education. After primary accreditation, the graduate will have the right to independent treatment-and-prophylactic activities as a district pediatrician.

A course of training at the faculty allows a graduate to continue education in a clinical residency, at post-graduate courses (at theoretical departments). Post-graduate education provides a wide variety of options in the fields of therapy, surgery and diagnostics.

A graduate of this faculty can also hold positions in the healthcare system directly unrelated to the treatment of patients but associated with research work in theoretical and fundamental medicine.


 The Dentistry Faculty trains specialists in “Dentistry”. The period of studying is 5 years.

The faculty was organized in 1979. The graduates of the faculty formed the system of stomatology service in the Far East of Russia.

During the first three years of studies, students of the Dentistry faculty receive instruction in theoretical subjects. Then students obtain knowledge of clinical subjects.

The Dental Faculty has its own out-patient department — the Dental Clinic “UNI-STOM” which is fitted out with modern dental equipment for diagnostics, treatment and prevention of dental diseases. The Clinic has phantom classrooms equipped with modern devices. Students have practical classes, job training in this clinic. Clinical residents are trained here in all fields of “Dentistry”.

The Dental faculty trains specialists in “Dentistry”. Graduates of this faculty receive diplomas of higher education. After primary accreditation, the graduate will have an opportunity to work as a general dental practitioner in any dental treatment and prophylactic institution: in an outpatient department, stomatology center or in-patient department, receiving patients independently.

After a course of training at the faculty a graduate can continue education in the residency majoring in some narrow fields of dentistry such as “Prosthetic Dentistry”, “Pediatric Dentistry”, “Dental Surgery”, “Orthodontics”, “Therapeutic Dentistry”, “Maxillo-facial Surgery”.


The Faculty of Pharmacy and Biomedicine trains specialists in “Pharmacy” and “Medical Biochemistry”. The course of training is 5 years.

The pharmaceutical faculty was organized in 1964. It was the only pharmaceutical faculty among all the medical universities of the Far East and Eastern Siberia, preparing pharmacists or specialists with the higher pharmaceutical education.

The training is being conducted in accordance with the educational standard in the field of pharmacy. Students study humanities, social-economics, natural sciences, mathematics, medical and biological and various professional branches of science. Senior students give primary attention to studying special courses such as Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Biotechnology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Management and Economics.

A course of practical training is carried out at the training facilities such as “University Pharmacy”, bases of leading medical institutions and clinical and diagnostic laboratories of Khabarovsk.

A graduate majoring in “Pharmacy” receives the diploma of higher education and undergoes primary accreditation to become a pharmacist and to get an opportunity to work at enterprises and companies involved into pharmaceutical practice. All-round training allows graduates to work in different fields of national economy (industrial enterprises, agriculture, forensic medicine agencies and toxicological and research laboratories).

A graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biomedicine majoring in “Medical Biochemistry” receives a diploma of higher education giving him/her the right to perform treatment-and-prophylactic, clinical or diagnostic activities. A doctor-biochemist is prepared to carry on scientific research work aimed at development and introduction of the achievements of medical and biological sciences, biochemistry and molecular biology into medical practice.

Graduates majoring in “Medical Biochemistry” can continue their education in the framework of different post-graduate professional educational programs.


 The Medical-humanitarian Faculty trains specialists in “Clinical Psychology”, “Social Work”, “Social Work in the Healthcare System”, “Nursing”.

The Medical-humanitarian Faculty was organized on the base of the Nursing faculty opened in 1998. The first graduation of nurses with higher education was in 2003. Since 2011, the Nursing faculty has received the name “Medical-humanitarian faculty”.

The Medical-humanitarian faculty trains specialists majoring in “Clinical Psychology” (graduate program).

Undergraduate programs include training specialists in “Social work” (in the healthcare system), “Nursing”.

Future clinical psychologists prepare for work in the field of clinical psychology, research and practical work aimed at solving complex tasks of psychological diagnostics, expert evaluation and providing psychological aid or psychological services to citizens in public, research organizations, educational establishments, healthcare and welfare institutions and to private entities.

Undergraduates majoring in “Social work” are trained to work at social welfare facilities, in educational establishments, healthcare institutions, cultural organizations, medical and social assessment institutions, penal settings.

Undergraduates majoring in “Nursing” undergo a course of training allowing them to be engaged in protecting and maintaining health of the population, arranging the work of the nursing personnel. Their professional activities include nursing clinical practice, organization and management, educational and research work.


At present residency is a part of the multilevel system of the higher medical education in the Russian Federation. It is also a form of continuous professional education of doctors in the higher medical schools, research institutions and at university medical faculties aimed at training and retraining healthcare system specialists and preparing highly qualified personnel.

The Faculty implements postgraduate professional training of young specialists (through internship and residency) in collaboration with the university departments based on which the teaching process is carried out.


 Academic training programs include studying such subjects as Chemistry, Biology, the Russian language, and the so-called Pre-university program. Participants are engaged in the work of the Final Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students (the section of the conference involving students of high schools). 

The faculty is involved in preparing applicants for admission to the university. Annually about 200 people undergo training in different courses. The faculty has a scientific society on urgent issues of medicine and pharmacy for high school students of the Far East.

On the base of this faculty such academic clubs as “Young Medic” and “Young Pharmacist” work. They provide the possibility to see the learning process as if “from the inside” and to make a choice of future profession. The faculty of Pre-university training provides systemic and substantive medical profession oriented education, mastering skills of giving first aid, promotion of healthy life-style and improving the knowledge of high school students, working youth, medical workers with secondary medical (pharmaceutical) education. The main goal is to prepare attendees for training at the medical university. 


 The Medical-Pharmaceutical College trains specialists with secondary professional education in “Pharmacy”, “Preventive dentistry” and “Orthopedic dentistry”

The college trains specialists in “Pharmacy” (qualification — pharmacist), “Preventive Dentistry” (qualification — dental hygienist), “Prosthetic Dentistry” (qualification — dental laboratory technician).

A graduate majoring in “Pharmacy” can work at pharmaceutical enterprises and organizations, can be engaged in retail and wholesale distribution of medicinal preparations and pharmacy goods, preparation of drug dosage forms, producing medications, etc.

A graduate majoring in “Preventive Dentistry” is involved in the organization and implementation of treatment and prevention, diagnostic and hygienic work aimed at improvement of dental health of children and adult population as well as provision of premedical aid in emergencies. 

A graduate majoring in “Prosthetic Dentistry” works at healthcare institutions making all kinds of dentures, orthodontic and dentofacial appliances according to doctors’ prescriptions. 

Graduates can continue studies receiving higher education in specialties including “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Dentistry”, and “Pharmacy”.



 The territory of the university (without the clinical bases) occupies 17.3 hectares. It has 16 educational buildings, five hostels, covered track and field athletics arena, sport centre (with stadium and swimming pool), several cafes. The library fund of university is about 600,000 books. University has also its own publishing centre.

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