Federal State Budget Institution of Higher Professional Education “Adyghe State University” was founded in the year 1940 as the Teachers’ Institute. Since 1952 it had status of Adyghe Pedagogical Institute. It has the status of University since 1993. Since 1996 Rector of Adyghe State University is Doctor of Sociology, Professor; Rashid Khunagov, member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Academy of Social Sciences. Adyghe State University comprises 3 Institutes (Institute of Arts, Institute of Physical Culture and Judo, Research Institute for Complex Problems), 12 faculties (Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics and Engineering, Natural Science, History, Philology, Adyghe Philology and Culture, Pedagogy and Psychology, Social, Technologies and Tourism, Foreign Languages, Law, Economics, International), State Humanities and Technical College, vocational training center, a separate division of the regional comprehensive studies of South – Russian Center of RAS, Republican natural mathematical school, computer center “Turbo”, the preparatory department and other educational structures. In the University are being trained in 42 higher and secondary professional education. Training is conducted in 93 educational programs.

The number of students in the University is more than 14000 students. The university enrolled more then 500 international students, 110 of them study on the budget line. The active work for attracting of representatives from Adyghe diaspora is carried out among them who are eager to study at Adyghe State University. This project “Compatriots” is held under the direction of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Pre-university training of foreign citizens is carried out at the preparatory department of international faculty, as full time program. Training period lasts for 10 months. Training is conducted in two departments: Russian as a foreign language department and general educational disciplines department. Training is conducted in the following brunches: humanities, natural science, economic, biomedical, technical.

The quantitative composition of Russian as a foreign languages department: 5 PhD, assistant to the chair 3. At the general educational disciplines department work: 5 PhDs and 2 senior teachers. Teachers of the Russian as a foreign language and general educational disciplines department developed educational and methodical complexes that are consistent with the Department of Russian as a foreign language of Russian Peoples Friendship University. At the preparatory department of international faculty trained 90 students, 39 of them are on a budgetary basis. For foreign students, the necessary conditions for tuition and accommodation presented. Foreign students live in separate 5-stored block. Educational Research and Innovation Complex ASU includes a separate division of comprehensive studies of South – Russian Center of Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of ethno-cultural policy, part of a joint department of socio-political and economic problems of the southern regions of the Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for complex problems, including 11 laboratories, 4 research and educational center, 1 department, 3 museums, space Center services, ” Business Incubator”, and developed social infrastructure. Zoological and geological- mineralogical museums and the Botanical Garden of ASU got the status of “The unique research and educational facilities of the Higher School of the Russian Federation”, the Botanical Garden of ASU entered to the official register of botanical collections of Russia and neighboring countries. Food enrolled at ASU, organized at 4 dining-halls for 400 seats and 2 buffets for 45 seats. The assistant of the Dean for educational work lives in a hostel and looks after students. Medical care of foreign students who are study at Adyghe State University carried at clinic. Employees of the international faculty assist in obtaining medical insurance, medical insurance is compulsory for foreign students in all forms of education (budget, commercial). The university give all the opportunities and the necessary conditions for students’ spare time: there is the sanatorium “Health”, there are two recreation centers on the Black Sea coast, and the educational and health complex “Mountain Legend”, located in the most picturesque mountain area. Adyghe State University has rapidly developed, expanding the range of educational programs, and increases logistical base, and therefore there is a growing interest of foreign partners for education sphere at ASU. Foreign relations of ASU recorded by 19 cooperation agreements with the U.S., European countries (Germany, England, France, Austria, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, etc.), the Middle and Far East (Mongolia, Turkey, Syria, etc. ) and other regions. Currently ASU entered the EU project, which grantees are SFU and the EU representative in Moscow. The aim of the project is the organization of the Center for European Union and the promotion of new educational models and technologies in the South of Russia. Partners of Russian universities (SFU ASU, Volgograd State University) became the University of Kingston (UK) and Linchopinga (Sweden).

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