Obtaining Degree

Duration of studying

General Medicine (MD/MBBS)

6 years

Pediatrics (MD/MBBS)

6 years

Dentistry (Bachelor of Dentistry)

5 years

Pharmacy (Bachelor of Pharmacy)

5 years

Nursing (Bachelor of Science Nursing)

4 years

Master, PhD, Doctorate, Clinical Residency, other post graduate educational programs

2-3 years


Dagestan State Medical University, Makhachkala City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health 

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 5500 USD; 2-6th years: 4500 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-6th years: 4000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee                               

1-3rd years: 4000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3000 USD per year

Accommodation / Hostel fee

500 USD per year



Chechen State University, Grozny City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health 

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

1-6th years: 5000 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-6th years: 3500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 4000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

2000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

800 USD per year



First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health 

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

1-6th years: 11 800 USD per year*

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-6th years: 9 600 USD per year*

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 10 000 USD per year*

Preparatory Department fee

5000 USD per year

Accommodation / Hostel fee

3800 USD per year**



Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry:

1-6th years: 8000 USD* per year


Pharmacy/Nursing/Public Health:

1st year: 6000-9000 USD*; 2-5th years: 5000-6200 USD* per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry:

1-6th years: 8000 USD* per year


Pharmacy/Nursing/Public Health:

1-5th years: 5000-9000 USD* per year

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 7700* USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

5000 USD* per year

Accommodation / Hostel fee

1200 USD per year


*Tuition fees for First Moscow State Medical University and Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University are fixed in Russian Rubles. 

The above written fee details for both Universities are counted according to the conversion rate of 1US$=60 RUB. 


 may vary according to the conversion rate. All other Universities fee details are fixed in US$ and will not be changed.

 **Minimum fee is mentioned. Fee depends on accommodation.



Peoples’ Friendship University, Moscow City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

1-6th years: 11 400 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry:

1-6th years: 10 200 USD per year


Pharmacy/Nursing/Public Health:

1-5th years: 4200 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 6 000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

6 100 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

1 100-4 000 USD per year



Kazan State Medical University, Kazan City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

General Medicine, Pediatrics:

1-6th years: 7500 USD per year



1-6th years: 8500 USD for Dentistry per year


Pharmacy/Nursing/Public Health:

1-5th years: 4700 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 4 700 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3 500 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

850 USD per year



Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Nalchik City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 5000 USD; 2-6th years: 3000 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-6th years: 3000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 4000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

2000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

500 USD per year



Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Tula City

Courses available: Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 3500 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3200 USD per year

Accommodation / Hostel fee

600 USD per year (standard), 1300 USD per year (newly renovated)



Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg City

Courses available: General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health 

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, Russian medium

General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry:

1-6th years: 7000 USD per year


Pharmacy/Nursing/Public Health:

1-5th years: 5500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee                               

1-3rd years: 5500 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

6000 USD per year

Accommodation / Hostel fee

2600 USD per year



Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk City

Courses available: Medicine, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health

Undergraduate Education

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 5700 USD; 2-6th years: 4700 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-6th years: 4000 USD

Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency)

Tuition fee

1-3rd year: 4700 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

1500 USD per year (newly renovated hostel)




Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 USD (every year)*

Equalization of Educational documents by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: 400 USD**

Other first year expenses: 1800 USD (one-time payment) ***


* an exception is People’s Friendship University of Russia – 450 USD (every year)

** exceptions are People’s Friendship University of Russia and First Moscow State Medical University – 200 USD

*** exceptions are People’s Friendship University of Russia – 2900 USD and Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University – 2800 USD (one-time payment)





The most popular courses are offered in English Medium. All courses are available in Russian language, and students who want to study in Russian l have to study the one-year Preparatory Department course before starting the course of one’s choice.

Obtaining Degree

Duration of studying


4 years


2 years


3 years


Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, Rybinsk City

Courses available: Aviation, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 5900 USD; 2-4th years: 4900 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 4000 USD

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 4000 USD

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 4000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

4000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

400 USD per year



Chechen State University, Grozny City

Courses available: Economics, Management, Business Administration, Law, Biomedical Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Sciences, International Relations, Tourism

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 4500 USD; 2-4th years: 3500 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 3000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 3500 USD; 2nd year: 3000 USD

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 3500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 3500 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

2000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

800 USD per year



Grozny State Oil Technical University named after M.D. Millionshikova, Grozny City

Courses available: Civil Engineering, Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Oil and Gas Engineering

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 3500 USD; 2-4th years: 2500 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 3000 USD

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 3500 USD

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 3000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

2000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

600 USD per year



Moscow International University, Moscow City

Courses available: Economics, Management, Business Administration, International Relations, Journalism, Psychology, Law


Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 2700 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 3000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

2700 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

1700 USD per year



Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk City

Courses available: Civil Engineering, Architecture, Economics, Management, International Relations, Computer Sciences 

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 5200 USD; 2-4th year: 4200 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 3200 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 5200 USD; 2-4th year: 4200 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 3700 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 3700 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3700 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

1000 USD per year



Kabardino-Balkarian State University, Nalchik City

Courses available: Civil Engineering, Architecture, Economics


Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 4000 USD, 2-4th years: 2500 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 2500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 4000 USD, 2nd year: 2500 USD

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 2500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 3000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

2000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

500 USD per year



Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Tula City

Courses available: Information Technology, Computer Sciences, Pedagogics, Agricultural Engineering, Economics, Management, Business Administration, Linguistics, Philology, Tourism, Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Journalism, Law, Humanities

Accommodation / Hostel fee

600 USD per year (standard), 1300 USD per year (newly renovated)

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 3500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-3rd years: 3800 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 4200 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3200 USD



Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg City

Courses available: Economics, Business Administration, Management, Law, Information Technology, Computer Sciences 

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 6000-8500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd year: 6500-8500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 6500-8500 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

6000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

2600 USD per year



Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk City

Courses available: Civil Engineering, Architecture, Petroleum Engineering, Oil and Gas Engineering, Business Administration, International Relations

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 4000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 5500 USD; 2nd year: 4500 USD

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 4500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 4500 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3500 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

500 USD per year



Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow City

Courses available: Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Aviation Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 8000 USD; 2-4th years: 7000 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 6000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 8000 USD; 2nd year: 7000 USD

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd year: 6000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 3000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee (English)

5000 USD

Preparatory Department fee (Russian)

4500 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

1000 USD per year



Adyghe State University, Maykop City

Courses available: Economics, Management, Business Administration, International Relations, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Arts

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 2000-2500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd year: 2500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 2500 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

2500 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

700 USD per year



Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow City

Courses available: Biomedical Engineering, Information Technologies, Aviation

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1-4th years: 8000 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 4500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, English medium

1-2nd years: 8000 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 4500 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 5000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3500 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

700 USD per year



Admiral Ushakov State Maritime University, Novorossiysk City

Courses available: Marine Engineering, Maritime Engineering

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 3700 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-2nd years: 4000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (PhD)

Tuition fee

1-3rd years: 4000 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

3500 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

1000 USD per year



Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow City

Courses available: Economics, Management, Business Administration, International Relations 

Undergraduate Education (Bachelor)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 8000 USD; 2-4th years: 7000 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 7000 USD per year

Postgraduate Education (Master)

Tuition fee, English medium

1st year: 8500 USD; 2-4th years: 7500 USD per year

Tuition fee, Russian medium

1-4th years: 7500 USD per year

Preparatory Department fee

6000 USD

Accommodation / Hostel fee

2400 USD per year





Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 USD (every year)

Equalization of Educational documents by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: 400 USD

Other first year expenses: 1800 USD (one-time payment)



ATTENTION: Preparatory course is compulsory for PG students and students who want to study their main course in Russian medium of instruction. For undergraduate courses in English medium the Preparatory Department course is NOT required.

Please note that all courses are available in Russian language.


Before joining the main course, students have to study the one-year Preparatory Department course. There are 3 kinds of Preparatory courses: Pre-engineering, Pre-medical and Foundation course. The Foundation course is a language course which students do before the Arts courses. During the Pre-engineering course, students also study the basics of Math and Physics. Pre-medical course offers Biology, Chemistry and Physics classes.


Please note! If you do not have any of the required subjects for the Admission, you can start from the pre-medical/pre-engineering department to cover the absence of the abovementioned subjects and join the main medical/engineering course in English or Russian medium by your choice. It is also applicable for students who have only 10th Grade Certificate but do not have 12th Grade. 


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