Federal State Educational Institution of higher vocational training “Admiral Ushakov Maritime University” is the largest educational institution of water transport and the only higher educational institution in the South of Russia training marine specialists for shipping companies, building and shipbuilding plants, works of water transport, ports and transport terminals.
As per licence of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation the University effects training under the programs of secondary and higher vocational education and also under programs of additional and post-graduate education. The University state diplomas and certificates meet International Conventions requirements and are approved by all countries round the world. Maritime specialties of the Academy are accredited in the European Union and International Maritime Organization.…
The Academy prepares personnel in 14 specialties of higher vocational education. It comprises 5 faculties, 36 departments, Southern Regional Center of Additional and Vocational Training (SRCAVT), branches in Rostov-na-Donu, Sevastopol and Astrakhan. For performing study process the Academy posses study-laboratory complex with a block of lecture rooms and three study buildings, more than 500 laboratories and study rooms, reading hall for 160 seats, library with a book store of 300 000 copies.
The University owns the complex of up-to-date navigation simulators including 21 professional simulators and 12 mini-simulators, imitating ship’s equipment. In Particular simulator of handling and maneuvering ship, simulators of communication system and electronic cartography using modern educational Internet technologies. On the basis of the Southern Regional Center of Additional and Vocational Training (SRCAVT) the refresher courses for ship’s personnel (136 kind of training) are arranged and regularly work. The post-graduate course prepares scientific-pedagogical personnel. In the University work two Doctor’s Boards for awarding scientific degree of candidate and doctor.
More than 300 teachers work in the University. Among them 29 professors and doctors of science, 8 academics of professional academies, 198 docents and candidates of science.
Today more than 4 000 people study in the University. For the time of its existence the University has trained more than 20 000 specialists.
Faculties of Admiral Ushakov Maritime University
Faculty of Water Transport Operation and Navigation
“Navigation” – qualification – specialist;
- “Navigation on sea routes”;
- “Navigation and operation of the technical fleet in unlimited navigation”.
- “Technical exploitation of transport radio equipment” ,qualification – specialist (training direction “Aircraft and rocket and space equipment”);
- “Radio communication and electro navigation at the Navy”;
- “Technical exploitation of telecommunications systems and industrial communication”;
- “Computer information systems and electronic office equipment“;
- “Maintenance and exploitation of means of information protection at the enterprises of transport”.
- “Information systems and technologies” -qualification – bachelor;
- “Management of water transport and hydrographic support of navigation” qualification bachelor;
- profile: “Information support of the transport and logistics processes on water transport”;
- “Information security” – qualification – bachelor,
- profile: “Computer security”;
Department’s of Faculty of Water Transport Operation and Navigation
Department of Ship’s Control
Educational disciplines of the Department
- Introduction to specialty
- Maneuvering and control of the ship
- The organization of service on ships
- Maneuvering of large-capacity vessels
- Radar plotting aid and automatic radar plotting
- Preventing collisions
- The technology of cargo transportation
- The main scientific directions of the Department – ensuring navigation safety, improvement in the management of the vessel under different conditions of the voyage, the improvement of methods of vessels maneuvering.
- The Department successfully engaged in methodical work, constantly updates and improves the base of laboratory workshop and tutorials.
Lecturers of the Department prepared and published a number of new teaching supplies on disciplines: “ship’s Control”, “Maneuvering of large-capacity vessels”, “Preventing collisions”,
“Technology of cargo transportation” and “Technology and organization of transportation”.
Department of Foreign Language
Educational disciplines of the department
The English language – general, business and special
The introductory-intensive Maritime English
The intensive course of the English language for adaptation of marine engineers to work in mixed crews.
The basics of technical translation
The business and legal documentation in English
The foundations of modern etiquette and other.
High rating among students and cadets have an integrated studies on special subjects in English: course of business games at navigation simulators, training on fire fighting; exercise at survival at the sea; medical training; flight planning, business games on Economics problems and law. The staff of the department published over 100 tutorials, 25 of which have the stamp of UMO.
During teaching process used two modern computer classes with software developed by Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate professor Avanesova T. P.
The department conducted fundamental studies in the following scientific directions:
The psycho-pedagogical and methodological aspects of teaching foreign language at the Maritime University in accordance with new requirements of STCW 78/95;
the systemic and structural organization of the modern English language.
Postgraduate Study
The Department conducted the training of post-graduate students of the University and the candidate exams in English, German, French and Spanish.
Teachers of the Department take active part in training of manpower for Navy in Southern regional center of additional professional education:
- the attestation, certification, testing of knowledge on Maritime English of ordinary and commanding personnel of vessels;
- the business games on the navigation equipment in the framework of the course “Organization of work of the bridge”;
- the training and retraining of operators of GMDSS;
- the training of the staff of rescue coordination centers in English;
- the training of pilots in the field of Maritime English;
- the courses for ordinary stuff of the vessels for study of professional Maritime English. Teaching staff – 49 people, including two professors, 31 associate professors, three senior teachers and 15 teachers. The work of the teachers of the Department of foreign languages organized in four sections.
Department of Navigation Technical Facilities
Educational disciplines of the Department
Currently, the Department provides training for the navigation specialization in disciplines:
1. Technical means of navigation;
2. Radio navigation devices and systems;
3. Radio engineering and electronics;
4. Scientific research in the field of safety of navigation.
For radio engineering specialization:
1. Electric navigation devices and systems.
The Department is a graduating one and supervises diploma, course works, sail practice.
Scientific direction of the Department
The research work of the Department is conducted in two directions: improvement of maneuvering large capacity vessels and management optimization, as well as improving the operation of technical means of navigation. Goals and objectives of the research are the following: improving of safety of navigation by creating guidelines for using Technical means of navigation and maneuvering of large capacity vessels.
The area of scientific interests of Marichev Igor Vasilyevich is an educational space of marine transport; Kondratiev Alexei Ivanovich – improvement maneuvering of large vessels using Technical means of navigation; Studenikin Albert Ivanovich – the improvement of the technical means of navigation with intelligent technologies; Filatova Rimma Garifovna- improvement of technical and operational characteristics of the technical means of navigation; Vladimirova Viktor Vladimirovich – analysis of possibility of data calculation to monitor mooring satellite observation; Polonskaya Tamara Vasilievna – problems of improving the technical means of navigation, problems of creation of the automated control systems of vessels; Popov Anatoly Nikolaevich – optimization of marine ergatic systems in the task of ensuring the safety of navigation; Studenikin Dmitry Evgenievich – fuzzy logic, neural networks, clustering of data, application of expert systems in the management of the vessel and the design of devices.
Department of System Analysis, Management and Processing of Information on Water Transport
The academic disciplines of the Department
- Long-term financial policy
- Computer science and mathematics
- Information systems in the economy
- Computer information systems accounting
- Short-term financial policy
- Mathematics and computer science
- Mathematical workshop on PC
- Methods and models in Economics
- Applied computational mathematical packages
- System analysis
- Statistics
- Transport econometrics
- Management analysis in industry
- Financial management
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Econometrics
- Economic-mathematical modeling
Scientific direction of the Department:
- Mathematical control theory. A robust theory. Mathematical modeling.
- Analysis of the financial policy of commercial banks.
- Modeling and forecasting of socio-economic processes by statistical methods
- The use of information and communication technologies in education, management and research.
- Development of application solutions based on 1C:Enterprise.
Department of Telecommunication at the Navy
The academic disciplines of the Department:
Specialty “technical exploitation of transport equipment”:
- Antennas and microwave devices
- Safety at the marine transport
- Information systems on transport
- Information technologies and protection of information
- Mathematics in radio electronics
- Reliability and technical diagnostics
- Organization and planning of telecommunication at the Navy
- Fundamentals of marine radio communication
- Electronic equipment of GMDSS
- Systems of communication
- Technical exploitation of electronic equipment
- Electrodynamics and radio waves propagation
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- specialty 230201 “Information Systems and Technologies”:
- The history of science
- Information technology in professional activity
- Geographic information systems
- Reliability of information systems
- Representation of knowledge in computer science
- Marine telecommunication systems
Specialty “Ship navigation”:
- Marine radio communication and telecommunications
Scientific direction of the Department: “the Reliability of marine electronic systems with incomplete information about the failures”
The emergency, development and dissemination of complex radio electronic communication systems and navigation at marine transport, the components of which are technical tools, software, human operator, require new approaches to assessment of their structural reliability and safety of ship navigation.
The complexity of solving the problem of analysis of reliability of such a systems and complexes is depend on the lack of a universal mathematical methods, taking into account the incompleteness and heterogeneity of the initial information about the reliability of the items. Therefore, the development of new methods of calculation and analysis of the reliability of complex systems with incomplete information is an extremely important task. The main task is to not only develop innovative approaches and methods of analysis of reliability and safety of complex marine systems, but also a clear and rigorous argumentation of their application, establishing of communication with traditional probabilistic reliability indexes.
Department of Life Safety
Research interests:
- safety in Maritime transport;
- fire safety in ports and on ships.
Over the last 5 years were published 12 scientific papers, 9 textbooks. The department is a member of scientific councils of the University and faculty. Awarded by government awards.
List of academic disciplines:
- Life safety
- Foundations of life safety
- Labor protection
- The basics of safe navigation
- The ship survival
- Safety of navigation
- Basic training
- Initial training on safety and instruction
- Fire fighting on advanced program
- Specialist on rescue boats and rafts
- Preparation of the commander of the rescue tool
- Medical training
- First aid
The Main scientific directions of the Department
The Maritime security
- The development of the concept of building models behavior: emergency situations o ships; the prevention of pollution of the marine environment and atmosphere from ships; fire safety in ports and on ships; survival at sea after leaving the vessel (medical aspects);
- The prediction of professional risks (illness and accidents);
- The substantiation and development of techniques for the reduction of professional risks;
- The implementation of the optimization principle in the management of labor protection;
- The optimization of planning and the monitoring of working conditions;
- The optimization of labor safety management at the Navy.
- The improvement of the educational process at the disciplines of the Department, methods of training, retraining and advanced training of engineers for the protection of labor, managers and specialists of organizations.
The Department conducts joint research with marine companies, Maritime administration, ship repair plant in theoretical and socio-economic problems first of all for sea transport according to the profile of the Department. Installed creative relationships with departments of other universities, distributes the experience of leading lecturers. The Department participates in the execution of the contractual and the state budget themes.
Practical activity
Practical activity of the Department is aimed at the promoting of a culture of life safety of cadets – students. This activity is focused on the requirements defined by the state standard and requirements of the educational program for cadets – students in the discipline “life safety” in all faculties of the University, and convection disciplines for navigation and engineering specialties.
During the practical activities the staff of the Department solves the following tasks:
- The education and formation of cadets – students ‘ views about the inseparable unity of effective professional activity with the requirements of the safety and security of people in the production (ship) and non-production conditions of environment, the ability to survive in emergency situations;
- Training and formation of knowledge and intellectual abilities that define the horizons of personality, direction of estimates, values, mental skills of safe behavior and results safe operation;
- Training and formation of motivational and value orientations (motives, interests, needs, attitudes, beliefs)that determine the manifestation of activity in emergency situations;
- Training of culture safety and the formation of a worldview that defines the life safe functioning of the person in whole;
- Promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge, advanced developments in the field of security.
Teachers of the Department regularly participate in scientific conferences, in meetings of a number of scientific and technical councils with presentations, involved in the work of expert commissions, publish collections of papers and tutorials.
Educational-methodical work of the Department’s lecturers
In recent years published 13 benefits, including 1 monograph, 5 manuals.
Marine Engineering Faculty of Admiral Ushakov Maritime University
Study spheres in training specialists
- “Ship’s power plant operation”. Term of studies is 5 years and 6 months. Qualification – engineer.
- “Operation of ship’s electrical equipment and automatic devices”. Term of studies is 5 years and 6 months. Qualification – engineer.
- “Operation of port cargo equipment and transport terminals” Term of studies is 5 years. Qualification – engineer.
- “Transport lifting, building and road machines and facilities”. Term of studies is 5 years. Qualification – engineer.
- “ Engineering protection of environment. Term of studies is 5 years. Qualification – engineer-ecolog.
- Secondary professional education is represented by two specialties:
- “Transport power plat operation” (all types of transport). Term of studies is 3 years. Qualification – marine technician.
- “Operation of ship’s electrical equipment and automatic devices” (all types of transport). Term of studies is 3 years and 9 months. Qualification – technician.
- Scientific and research investigations
- Expert-statistic research of functional reliability of auxiliary power plants;
- Effective consumption of fuel-energy recourses;
- Solving problems of power plant operation on the basis of up-to-date information technologies;
- Improvement of ship’s diesel machinery operation;
- Improvement of technical operation and optimization of ship’s technical facilities.
Departments of the Faculty:
Department of Mechanics
The academic disciplines of the Department mechanics
- theoretical mechanics
- applied mechanics
- resistance of materials
- theory of machines and mechanisms
- machine parts and design basics
- prediction of the strength and durability of structural elements
- basics of engineering calculations on strength
Scientific direction of the Department – “Fatigue strength and durability of structural elements and their content, taking into account of loading conditions“
Ensuring the strength and durability of structures and mechanisms is the main task of engineering projects. General trends in the development of modern technology, aimed at reducing its metal consumption, leading to increased loading of structural elements and parts. The effect of variable loads and aggressive environments often leads to the destruction flowing through the mechanism of development of fatigue cracks. The kinetics of such damage depends on many external factors, as well as mechanical properties of structural materials. The accuracy of prediction of residual life of structural elements in largely depends on the completeness of the information about the mechanical properties of materials and the availability of appropriate models and methods of calculation.
Department of Repair of Shipboard Machinery and Mechanisms
The educational disciplines of the Department:
- Operation of maintenance of the fleet
- Composite materials
- Material and technology of constructural materials
- Fundamentals of tribiological and functionality
- Fundamentals of technical operation of the fleet and ship repair
- Shipbuilding, shipyard and their equipment
- The technology of using of fuel, water and oils
- The indiscriminate methods of diagnostics
- Technical operation of vessels
- Fundamentals of reliability theory
- Metrology, standardization and certification
- Exploitation of the vessel’s propulsion complex.
Department of Ship’s Heating Engines
The main directions of work of the Department
Organization and realization of educational process in the disciplines of special profile on the basis of approved state educational standards, curricula, work programs, reflecting the latest achievements of science and technology, their prospects of development, and in accordance with the requirements of the international Maritime organizations to train specialists in the field of water transport.
Methodological support of educational disciplines: preparation of manuals, guidelines, development of teaching materials, the usage of modern technical means of training, laboratory equipment, gym and computer equipment.
Research work for companies and organizations of Maritime industry. Organization and implementation of educational-research work of students, educational and industrial practice, course and graduation work.
Participation in the educational process. Ensuring the focus of the educational process on the maturing of the students the scientific worldview, the combination of moral and business qualities.
Department of engineering graphics
- The educational disciplines of the Department
- Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics;
- Engineering graphics;
- Descriptive geometry;
- Computer graphics;
- Fundamentals of artistic design;
- Computer-aided design systems.
Scientific direction of the Department – “Training-methodological support of engineering problems using information technologies “
The main scientific directions of the researches of the Department of “Engineering graphics” are the issues of improvement of methods of training disciplines and creation of electronic prototypes of various objects on the basis of modern computer technologies. The main purpose of solving these problems is the creation of new teaching methods of the department’s disciplines using classical and multimedia teaching materials.
The creation of an electronic prototype is the first and most important step for the solution of the whole complex of engineering or scientific problems. Solving problems in these areas coordinates with the plans of the Department on the adoption of computer technologies in educational process and participation in scientific research with other departments. The presence of educational and industrial problems provides a basis for purposeful work of the Department in selected directions.
Department of Life Safety
Research interests:
- Safety in Maritime transport;
- Fire safety in ports and on ships.
Over the last 5 years were published 12 scientific papers, 9 textbooks. The department is a member of scientific councils of the University and faculty. Awarded by government awards.
List of academic disciplines:
- Life safety
- Foundations of life safety
- Labor protection
- The basics of safe navigation
- The ship survival
- Safety of navigation
- Basic training
- Initial training on safety and instruction
- Fire fighting on advanced program
- Specialist on rescue boats and rafts
- Preparation of the commander of the rescue tool
- Medical training
- First aid
The main scientific directions of the Department
- The Maritime security
- The development of the concept of building models behavior: emergency situations o ships; the prevention of pollution of the marine environment and atmosphere from ships; fire safety in ports and on ships; survival at sea after leaving the vessel (medical aspects);
- The prediction of professional risks (illness and accidents);
- The substantiation and development of techniques for the reduction of professional risks;
- The implementation of the optimization principle in the management of labor protection;
- The optimization of planning and the monitoring of working conditions;
- The optimization of labor safety management at the Navy.
- The improvement of the educational process at the disciplines of the Department, methods of training, retraining and advanced training of engineers for the protection of labor, managers and specialists of organizations.
- The Department conducts joint research with marine companies, Maritime administration, ship repair plant in theoretical and socio-economic problems first of all for sea transport according to the profile of the Department. Installed creative relationships with departments of other universities, distributes the experience of leading lecturers. The Department participates in the execution of the contractual and the state budget themes.
Practical activity
Practical activity of the Department is aimed at the promoting of a culture of life safety of cadets – students. This activity is focused on the requirements defined by the state standard and requirements of the educational program for cadets – students in the discipline “life safety” in all faculties of the University, and convection disciplines for navigation and engineering specialties.
During the practical activities the staff of the Department solves the following tasks:
- The education and formation of cadets – students ‘ views about the inseparable unity of effective professional activity with the requirements of the safety and security of people in the production (ship) and non-production conditions of environment, the ability to survive in emergency situations;
- Training and formation of knowledge and intellectual abilities that define the horizons of personality, direction of estimates, values, mental skills of safe behavior and results safe operation;
- Training and formation of motivational and value orientations (motives, interests, needs, attitudes, beliefs)that determine the manifestation of activity in emergency situations;
- Training of culture safety and the formation of a worldview that defines the life safe functioning of the person in whole;
- Promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge, advanced developments in the field of security.
Teachers of the Department regularly participate in scientific conferences, in meetings of a number of scientific and technical councils with presentations, involved in the work of expert commissions, publish collections of papers and tutorials.
Educational-methodical work of the Department’s lecturers
In recent years published 13 benefits, including 1 monograph, 5 manuals.
Faculty of Economics and Management of Admiral Ushakov Maritime University
Study spheres in training specialists
- Economics and Management in business(transport)
- Organization of transportation and management on transport (sea)
- Finances and credit
- Accounting, analysis and audit
- Culture and social activity
Scientific and research investigations
- Economics and management in economy
- Finances, money supply and credit
- Theoretical grounds for anticrisis regulation
- The problems of transformation of the domestic market of Russia and world economy
- Finance-productive groups as a factor of competitiveness of Russia
Faculty of International and Marine Law of Admiral Ushakov Maritime University
Spheres of training specialists
- “Jurisprudence (international juridical specialization)”
Research work
- suffrage;
- felony against person;
- juridical expertise;
- juridical regulation of port activity;
- juridical regulation of transport economy;
- lawful basis for common economic area.
Departments of the faculty
- “International and marine Law”
- “General juridical disciplines
Dormitories in Admiral Ushakov Maritime University
Hostel of the corridor type. All rooms are equipped with 2-level wooden beds, wardrobes, tables, chairs, bedside tables. During the period of studies at the University each student is provided with a room in a students’ hostel which is equipped with good furniture, appropriate maintenance service, kitchens, shower rooms and other places of common for some extra charge. In the hostels the passing by regime functions and the appropriate protection is ensured.
A place in a comfortable hostel room with a TV set, a telephone, a refrigerator is provided.All conditions for comfortable study of students are created. Everything in our university is done for you, for your benefit and convenience.
There is a library in the university with a fund of 110,000 thousand copies, including 15 languages of the world. The library includes a delivery desk and 2 reading rooms with a total of 300 places.
There is also
- a wireless Wi-Fi computer network,
- which currently has over 600 laptops,
- CPC and other wireless devices of the university staff and students.
More than 5 thousand users are registered in the local network. Every employee, student, student of the preparatory department or faculty of the Far-Eastern Higher Education Department has free access to computers and free access to the worldwide Internet. To meet the needs of students, there are two printing and copying points equipped with copying machines, computers, printers and scanners, including a large format color printer for printing large posters.
Information about Novorossiysk
Novorossiysk is a city in the south of Russia, in the Krasnodar Territory. The administrative center of the municipality is the city of Novorossiysk. Located in the south-west of the region, off the coast of the Tsemess Bay of the Black Sea. Novorossiysk – an important transport center
It is a hero city with a rich history. Despite its young age and somewhat “transitory” status among beach people, this place definitely deserves close attention. And here’s why: Novorossiysk is not a typical maritime destination, but also not a purely industrial port. There are a lot of worthy sights and, at the same time, all the infrastructure inherent in a big city. And at his side are two of the best wineries in the Krasnodar Territory. Finally, local beaches are still relatively free and comfortable, and in terms of cleanliness or service, they are not much inferior to eminent neighbors. In a word, if you want to have a good rest and find out how the steel was tempered, what the great naval commanders of the 19th century were like, how the White Army came about, Novorossiysk is waiting.
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