About Bauman University
Bauman University is the second oldest educational institution in Russia after Lomonosov Moscow State University (1755). In 1763 the Russian empress Catherine II founded the Educational Imperial House. On 5 October 1826 the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovnaissued a decree to establish «great workshops for different crafts with bedrooms, a dining room, etc.» as a part of the Moscow Foundling Home in the German Quarter. All craft pupils were moved from the Orphanage there. 1 July 1830 Emperor Nicholas I approved «Statute of Moscow Craft School». It was the inception of the first Russian technical university.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University trains international students and after the course of studies they gain the Specialist, Bachelor and Master Diploma. Foreign citizens can also be accepted to postgraduate or doctoral studies to gain the candidate or doctorate degree in Technical Sciences. Programs of the second higher education or additional education are also available in BMSTU. University also offers the inclusive education, e.g. the students of other higher educational institutions are studying according to individual academic curriculum during the one or several semesters.…
Bauman Moscow State Technical University carries out training internships, scientific and educational traineeships of various duration and level of complexity that are conducted by University departments and laboratories.
BMSTU has 19 departments providing full-time education. University provides postgraduate and doctorate programs and has two affiliated secondary schools. More than 19,000 students study in BMSTU, and specialties cover all range of modern machine and instrument building. More than 320 doctors of science (Russian degree higher than PhD) and 2000 candidates of science (similar to PhD) teach and do research in BMSTU. Main parts of the University are eight scientific and educational divisions. Each of them consists of scientific and educational branch. Several branch departments also exist, they deal with particular fields of industry. They are based on big factories and organizations, situated in Moscow, Moscow suburbs (Reutov, Krasnogorsk and Korolev) and in Kaluga. BMSTU has unique experience of teaching hearing-impaired students since 1934.
Bauman University is one of the three Russian universities (along with Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University) that started in 1926 military education of students. Today military institute carries out training of military officers of 21 specialties. Military specialties are based on civil ones and help to teach high-qualified civil specialists. The institute consists of five military subdepartments (one of them is in Kaluga branch), civil defense subdepartment and military training center. Practical training is carried out in Dmitrov branch, where military hardware is deployed.
BMSTU has wide international cooperation: student exchanges, postgraduates, doctorates, teachers and scientists, teaching international students, common research, education methodology development, conferences, seminars, and congresses. Now the University has relations with more than 70 universities in Europe, America and Asia.
All educational and scientific activities of BMSTU are future-oriented. It is taking part in conversion programs, defining priorities of new scientific areas development, developing foundations of government human resources system for high-tech industry.
BMSTU combines precise calculations with engineering intuition, follows traditions of Russian engineering school method, subtly appreciates new fields of activity, carries socioeconomic approach to complex engineering problems and humanist approach to education. All of that allows BMSTU to be on the cutting edge of scientific and engineering progress.
The feature of BMSTU is a close cooperation with industrial, scientific, educational and cultural institutions. TsAGI, Jukovsky Air Force Academy, NAMI, TsIAM, some departments of Chemical Machine Building Institute, Chemical Technology Institute and Engineering Physics Institute, Military Academy of Chemical Defense, MAI, Power Engineering Institute, Architectural Institute, and another leading scientific, educational and industrial institutions are BMSTU successors. Their staff is aimed at new scientific and technological achievements.
Bauman University — National Technological University – carries research in cutting-edge areas of science and technology, basing on eight technological platforms. 32 companies included BMSTU in their innovational programs. Today the University conducts 90 considerable scientific programs in different fields. BMSTU is Skolkovo founder.
Now strategy of the University is to provide human resources for cutting-edge areas of Russian science and technology, in prior economic development directions of the country, such as: information and communication systems; nanosystems and materials industry; power supply and conservation; biosystems; security and counterterrorism; transportation and aerospace systems; promising military equipment.
BMSTU is always ranked first among Russian engineering education institutions.
- Space Vehicles and Carrier Rockets
- Aerospace Systems
- Ballistics and Aerodynamics
- High-accuracy Flight Units
- Autonomous Information and Control Systems
- Missile and Impulse Systems
- Special Robotics and Mechatronics
- Launch Rocket Complex
- Multipurpose Tracked Vehicles and Mobile Robots
- Wheel Vehicles
- Submarine Robots and Apparatus
- Technology of Manufacturing for Aerospace
- Composite Materials for Aerospace
- Automatic Control Systems for Flight Vehicles
- Gyroscopic Instruments and Systems for orientation, navigation and stabilization
- Information and Measuring Equipment and Technology
- Electronic Equipment Design and Technology
- Automatic Information Processing and Control Systems
- Computer Systems, Complexes and Networks
- Software for Computers and Automation Systems
- Information Security
- Computer Design and Technology
- Metal-Cutting Machine Tools
- Tool Technics
- Technologies of Mechanical Engineering
- Metrology and Interchangeability
- Linear Technologies
- Technologies of Processing by Pressure
- Technologies of Welding and Diagnostics
- Materials Technology
- Industrial Design
- The Equipment and Technologies Flatting Rinks
- Electronic Technologies in Mechanical Engineering
- Laser Technologies in Mechanical Engineering
- Technologies of Materials Processing
- Engineering Drawing
- Theory of Mechanisms and Machines
- Bases of Machine Designing
- Lifting-, Transport-, Construction Machines
- Applied Mechanics
- Systems of the Automated Designing
- Computer Systems of Manufacture Automation
- Robotic Systems
- Rocket Engines
- Piston Engines
- Gas Turbine Plants and Nonconventional Power Installations
- The Refrigerating, Cryogenic Technics, Central Airs and Life-support
- The Vacuum and Compressor Technics
- Thermophysics
- Nuclear Reactors and Installations
- Plasma Power Installations
- Ecology and Industrial Safety
- Hydromechanics, Hydromachines and Hydro-Pneumoautomatics
- Radio-Electronic Systems and Devices
- Laser and Optic-Electronic Systems
- Optic-Electronic Devices for Scientific Research
- Theoretical Bases of Electrotechnology
- Subunits of Apparatus Devices
- Technologies of Instrument Making
- Biomedical Technical Systems
- Medic-Technical Information Technologies
- Valeology
- Medic-Technical Management
- Higher Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
- Theoretical Mechanics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Electronic Engineering and Industrial Electronics
- Calculus Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Modelling
- The Economic Theory
- Economy and the Manufacture Organisation
- Industrial Logistics
- Organisation Management
- Economy and Management at the Enterprise for Branches
- Business and Foreign Trade Activities
- Innovative Entrepreneurship
- Russian
- English Language for Instrument-Making Specialities
- English Language for Machine-Building Specialities
- Romano-Germanic Languages
- History
- Sociology and Culturology
- Political Science
- Philosophy
- Jurisprudence
- Legal Expertise
Physicalt Education and Sanitation Departmen
Military Education Department
Preparatory Department for foreign citizens has been working since 1992.
The preparatory branch for foreign citizens as the subdepartment of the International Relations Office was founded in 2000.
The goal of the training is to adjust the foreign citizen’s knowledge in accordance with the requirements to BMSTU students or post-graduates. Training term is 10 months (September, 1 – June,30), including examinations.
The training course at the Preparatory department includes the following disciplines: Russian, Physics, Mathematics, and Introduction to Speciality Terminology,Information Science, Chemistry, Engineering Drawing Principles, and Regional Geography. The number of disciplines and educational material depends on the training program.
Various programs are provided according to the following classification:
According to the Russian language level:
- for foreign citizens who have Russian language as native or the second native;
- for the foreign citizens who don’t know Russian or do have only initial knowledge of Russian but have a native language from the Slavic language group;
- for the foreign citizens who don’t know Russian or do have only initial knowledge of Russian but have a native language which is not included to the Slavic language group;
According to the program of the further training at BMSTU:
- for Bachelor of Science or Diploma Specialist program;
- for Master of Science Program;
- for Postgraduate or Doctoral program;
- for internship.
Students of the Preparatory Department study in groups of not more than 10 persons. For the foreign citizens who don’t have education, officially recognized as the corresponding one to the Russian secondary education, there is a possibility of assistance in training and obtaining the documents of secondary education.
About City
Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic and cultural center. It was founded eight centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Precisely, historians have concluded that the city was founded in the year of 1147. Gradually, Moscow became bigger and more widespread.
Now Moscow is one of the largest cities in Europe. Its total area is about 900 square km., and the population of the city is over 8 million people. Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it has a lot of points of interest to visit. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. The Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. Not to mention, Moscow is a city of students, and there are over 80 higher educational institutions, including several universities.
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