Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Bryansk State Agricultural University” is a major center of agricultural education, science and culture in the south-western region of black earth zone of Russia. The University was organized in 1980.
The main profile is the training of specialists in agricultural specialties and scientific research in various fields of agriculture. Also trained specialists in economic and general technical specialties.
Highly qualified specialists carry out the educational process in BSAU. In 22 departments there are over 190 teachers, 33 of them doctors of science, professors and 122 candidates of science, assistant professor.
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education “Bryansk State Agricultural University” is a major center of agricultural education, science and culture in the south-western region of black earth zone of Russia. The University was organized in 1980.
The main profile is the training of specialists in agricultural specialties and scientific research in various fields of agriculture. Also trained specialists in economic and general technical specialties.
Highly qualified specialists carry out the educational process in BSAU. In 22 departments there are over 190 teachers, 33 of them doctors of science, professors and 122 candidates of science, assistant professor.
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