The decision about the establishment of the Chuvash State University on the base of the Moscow Lenin’s award power engineering institute was made in August, 17, 1967. There were 7 faculties, they were: historically-philological, medical, generally-technical, chemical, economical, electrical engineering and industry electrification faculties.
The university has a license giving the right of conducting educational activities in the field if higher professional education and the certificate of the state accreditation.

The main goals of the university as the centre of education, science and culture are:

-the satisfaction of person requirements in intellectual, cultural and moral development by getting higher and post-graduation professional education and qualification in the chosen field of professional activity;
-the satisfaction of society requirements in qualified specialists having higher education and scientifically-pedagogical staff of the highest qualification preparation of specialists possessing high competing qualities;

-the assistance in the Russian state strengthening, upbringing of Russian patriots during the studying process, the citizens of a democratic legal state, respecting the personality rights and freedoms, possessing high morals, showing national and religious tolerance, respective relation to languages, traditions and culture of all the nations

-the harmonious personal development, forming of a healthy life style, counteraction to the negative social processes;
– forming of the students complete outlook, modern scientific outlook, labor motivation, active life position, teaching the main principles of career building and behavior skills at the labor market;
– spreading of knowledge among population, rising of their general educational and cultural level, collecting, keeping and increasing the moral, cultural and scientific values of the society;
-the integration of the CR educational system within the university scientifically-educational complex;
-organizing of the studying process accounting the modern scientific achievements, systematical renewal of all the educational aspects reflecting the changes in the fields of culture, economics, science, technics and technology;
– organizing and holding of fundamental searching and applied scientific research and other scientifically-technical, experimentally-constructive work including the problems of education
– the preparation, retraining and qualification rising for specialists and executives;
-performing the editor and printing activities to supply the studying process and popularization of scientific achievements.


The strategic purpose of the educational activity of the CSU is to turn the Chuvash Republic into one of the most educated, spiritually moral region of Russia.

  1. Medical faculty
  2. Dentistry
  3. Pediatric faculty
  4. Chemical-pharmaceutical faculty
  5. Management and psychology faculty
  6. Philology and culture faculty
  7. Art faculty
  8. Philological faculty
  9. Journalism faculty
  10. Foreign languages faculty
  11. Historical faculty
  12. Geographical faculty
  13. Economical faculty
  14. Production organizing and management faculty
  15. Economics and management faculty
  16. Faculty of law
  17. Law, management and raising the level of skill faculty
  18. Mathematical faculty.
  19. Physical-technological faculty.
  20. Power engineering faculty
  21. Electric power engineering faculty
  22. Radio engineering and electronics faculty
  23. Computer science and engineering faculty
  24. Design and computer technology faculty
  25. Construction faculty
  26. Machine-building faculty

More than 200 foreign citizens have received diplomas of foreign experts in medicine, engineer and technical, humanitarian specialties.


  • Chemistry;
  • Preservation of the environment and rational use of natural resources;
  • Physics;
  • Mathematics;
  • Computers, complexes, systems and networks
  • The software of computer facilities and the automated systems;
  • Software and administration of information systems;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Psychology;
  • Social pedagogics;
  • The economic theory;
  • National economy;
  • Book keeping, analysis and audit;
  • Finance and Credit;
  • Mathematical methods in economy;
  • Applied computer science;
  • Economics;
  • Quality management;
  • Management in an organization;
  • Marketing;
  • Statistics;
  • Geography;
  • History;
  • Science of historical archives;
  • Science of documentary and documentary maintenance of management;
  • Linguistics and intercultural communications;
  • Translation science;
  • Philology;
  • Foreign philology;
  • Cultural science;
  • Technology, equipment and automation machine-building manufactures;
  • Technology of mechanical engineering;
  • Metal cutting machine tools and complexes;
  • Technological machines and the equipment;
  • Machines and technology of foundry manufacture;
  • The electrical engineer, electro mechanics and electrotechnologies;
  • Electric and electronic devices;
  • Electric insulation, cable and condenser technics;
  • The electric drive and automatics of plants and technological complexes;
  • Electro technological installations and systems;
  • Electronics and microelectronics;
  • Automation and management;
  • Radio engineering;
  • Electric supply;
  • Relay protection and automation of electric power systems;
  • Power system;
  • Construction;
  • Designing buildings;
  • Metrology standardization and certification;
  • Design;
  • The automated systems of processing of information and management;
  • Instrumental playing;
  • Vocal art;
  • Conducting;
  • Composition;
  • Musicology;
  • Mechanics of a deformable firm body;
  • Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma;
  • The theoretical physics;
  • Optics;
  • Physics of kernel and elementary particles;
  • The chemical physics, including physics of burning and explosion;
  • Organic chemistry;
  • Physical chemistry;
  • High-molecular connections;
  • Chemistry elementary-organic connections;
  • Histology, cytology, cellular biology;
  • Electromecanics and electric devices;
  • Electrotechnical complexes of system;
  • Electrotechnologies;
  • Power electronics;
  • Elements and devices of computer facilities and control systems;
  • Mathematical modelling, numerical methods and complexes;
  • Power stations and electric power systems;
  • Foundry manufacture;
  • Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology;
  • The economic theory;
  • Economy and management of national economics; theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomic; economics, organization and management of enterprises, branches, complexes; management of innovations; regional economics; logistics; economics of work; economics of population and demography; economics of wildlife management; land management, etc.;
  • History of philosophy;
  • Philosophy of science and technics;
  • Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics.


  • Obstetrics and gynecology;
  • Internal illnesses;
  • Propaedeutics of internal illnesses;
  • Pediatrics;
  • Surgery;
  • Children’s surgery;
  • Urology;
  • Traumatology and orthopedy;
  • Therapeutic stomatology;
  • Surgical stomatology;
  • Hygiene;
  • Extreme medicine;
  • Pathological anatomy;
  • Beam diagnostics, beam therapy;
  • Functional and laboratory diagnostics;
  • Forensic medicine;
  • Psychiatry and medical psychology;
  • Physiology;
  • Clinical pharmacology;
  • Neurology;


Students live in a 2-3-х local rooming house from 12 up to 18 sq.m. In each room there is electricity, central heating. The attendants of a hostel supply with furniture, a complete set of linen, stock for facilities. For cooking there is a kitchen with gas cookers; shower cabins and toilet rooms are premises of general using. Students have an opportunity to use favorable conditions of living: university cafes and canteens, university hostels, 50 % discounts for travel in transport and on cultural actions (cinema, sports, student’s associations, etc.) These conditions allow to provide the basic daily needs at presence of the modest budget, and also to join a cultural life. Proceeding from numerous student’s discounts.


A new sports complex of 5000 m2 is built at the university which house equipped gyms, sports stadiums where it is possible to be engaged in free of charge various kinds of sports under direction of skilled instructors, for example: football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, hockey, track and field athletics, etc.
In the beginning of an academic year university parties on which it is possible to fasten the first acquaintances are held. Also within all year will be organized set of cultural, entertaining and festival events. Students actively take part in scientific conferences taking place in the CSU, together with others Russian and foreign high schools. In a hostel of the Chuvash State University young men and the girls from all the countries live in common in warm friendly attitudes. Living in a hostel enables to study culture and language of other countries that provides b friendship among nations of the world.

All the students, coming to study in a state educational institution make out a medical insurance. Annual cost of the insurance makes 80 $-100 $. Registration of the medical insurance is carried out during the moment of administrative registration. A medical insurance enables to receive the qualified medical aid in a polyclinic and in the Center of health of the university, and also in other treatment-and-prophylactic establishments of the city and republic.

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