About Dagestan State Medical University
Dagestan State Medical University is a higher education institution in Makhachkala where specialists are trained in the fields of Medicine and Pharmaceuticals. There are more than 8000 students in DSMU including over 1000 foreign students from more than 50 countries all over the world. It was founded in 1932 as Dagestan State Medical Institute and got a reputation of high-quality educational institution in Russia in no time. In 1982, it was awarded with The Friendship of Nations Order which is considered to be a highly-renowned award in Russia. In 1995, the …
Institute received a status of the academy, and in 2016 it was reformed into the University. In total, over 27,000 medical doctors graduated from Dagestan State Medical University. Right now, the University is a big educational and scientific research and medical hub which consists of 5 departments. DSMU maintains native customs and contributes to them with an innovative additions to the world academic and scientific field. Nowadays, the university team of scientists has powerful intellectual capabilities, as well as major experience in scientific, clinical and transformation activities.…
Dagestan State Medical Academy is a recognized center of innovative education, science and culture of the Dagestan Republic. During past 83 years more than 27 000 thousand of successful doctors have graduated from Dagestan State Medical University, including 2 000 foreign students from different countries. Specialists who have graduated from Dagestan State Medical University have always been known for their strong educational background obtained at this higher educational institution in Russia.
The educational system of Dagestan State Medical University has been developed to the needs of the international and national students who wish to obtain Medical Doctor’s degree in English. The Higher Education Program of MBBS meets the State Health Care requirements and on the other hand, is based on the international standards of the medical education. The integrated approach to the teaching/learning process comprises integrated theoretical and practical assignments.
This university is a great choice if you want to get an outstanding, internationally approved education for an affordable fee. With its’ brightest minds and cutting-edge technologies, DSMU is truly a wonderful place to start a career.
The University has an innovative academic, research and organizational structure that includes 17 faculties, 7 filial branches, 103 departments, 2 museums (historical and biological), a fundamental library containing more than 2.5 million volumes, a biological station and a planetarium. It also owns its own seaside recreation base, a sports complex, a clinic and students’ resort centre.
- 4 Research Institutes (Research Institute of Biology, Research Institute of Socio-Economic and Ethno-Cultural Problems of the Peoples of Dagestan, Research Institute of Applied Ecology and Research Institute of Law);
- 9 Research and Educational Centres, of which 3 RECs (REC of Nanotechnology, REC of Plasma Physics and REC of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering) have been granted the status of Federal Research and Educational Centres;
- 14 scientific and innovation centres including the Federal Multiple-Access Centre “Analytical Spectroscopy”, the Innovative Technological Centre and the Internet Centre;
- 14 basic research laboratories.
Within the university a number of scientific schools meeting high international standards have been formed. These scientific schools provide the base for training and comprise different forms of education such as specialization, postgraduate studies and doctorate. DSU is an advanced research centre with 70 subject areas for post-graduate studies and 18 subject areas for doctorate. There are 7 dissertation councils in Dagestan State University specializing in these areas of scientific research.
DSU team amounts to nearly 3,000 members made by academic staff and other employees. The University academic staff includes 1 member of the Russian Academy of Education, 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Science, 11 members of branch academies, 216 professors and doctoral degree holders, 618 senior lecturers – holders of candidate degree, more than a hundred distinguished scientists and education workers of Russia and Dagestan. The total number of DSU students exceeds 20,000. At present nearly 600 DSU postgraduates are seeking candidate and doctoral degrees.
Dagestan State University is a leading University of North Caucasus Federal District for its extensive use and promotion of modern technologies in academic and scientific work as well as in management. It was first in Dagestan to open the Internet Centre and to introduce distance education.
Currently much attention is being paid to innovation in the sphere of higher education, to creation of small enterprises and to the use of young researchers’ projects in small enterprises. All these measures are aimed at creating and marketing high-tech products.
- perspectives and main directions of Russian long-term social and economic development;
- working toward the top-priority goals of the national policy in the sphere of education;
- integration of Russian education system into the international educational space;
- better meeting of the citizens’ educational requirements.
In implementing the Innovative Infrastructure Development Program, in fact, a new model of the University’s innovation infrastructure is being formed, when around the classical structure consisting of departments and faculties a certain innovative belt is created. This belt is made of integrated scientific and educational institutions, innovation centers, including the Innovation and Technology Center and small innovative companies, established at the university. By this, DSU solves a triune task as it builds an innovative infrastructure, changes the contents and technology of education now focused on the production of innovative competencies and aims at creating an innovative product.
In 2012, Dagestan State University started implementing Program of Strategic Development for the period of 2012-2016. This program was the winner of the contest held by Russian Ministry of Education and Science. The contest was announced in November 2011 and attended by 248 high schools which are under the general jurisdiction of Russian Ministry of Education and Science.
DSU’s mission in modern conditions is to provide educational services in domestic and foreign educational space. The University considers modern education as a process that combines instruction, education, research and innovation. At the same time the university aims to develop its own intra-culture which will base on the socio-cultural values and traditions formed in DSU for its more than 80-year history. Aware of its great civil responsibility, the university fully contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, combining high proficiency, active citizenship and adherence to cultural values.
In implementing these objectives the university collaborates with leading Russian and world educational and scientific centers, including Dagestan Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Science which signed several agreements on joint scientific and educational cooperation with DSU. Development of arts and sports as well as evolving students’ talents are important components of the youth’s humane education and intellectual development. Far beyond the borders of our country are known amateur artists from Dagestan University. Choreographic group “My Dagestan” and folk instruments orchestra were awarded the honorary title “People’s Amateur Ensemble”. The University is proud of its alumni, the team of KVN (Club of the Funny and Inventive) “Makhachkala tramps”, whose members are in the national team of the CIS. Among our alumni are Olympic champions and prizewinners, world and European champions.
- Educational Laboratory
- Scientific Library
- Gym
- Planetarium
- Sports Complex
- Clinic Centre
- Students’ Resort Centre
- Internet Class.
Hospitals in the city
- N.M. Kurayev Child Republican Clinical Hospital, Makhachkala;
- City Morgue, Makhachkala;
- Clinical Hospital, St. Makhachkala;
- Fitocenter Praskov’ya of Makhachkala;
- Makhachkalin Clinical Hospital;
- Private hospital “Nevroartromed”;
- Veterans Hospital, State Budgetary Healthcare Institution;
- Military Hospital of MVD;
- Republican Clinical Hospital;
- Child Republican Clinical Hospital;
- First City Hospital;
- N.T. Tsakhayev Republican Orthopedic & Traumatology Center in Makhachkala;
- Synthesis-M;
- I.S. Ismailov Center of Medical High Technology;
- Autonomous Nonprofit City Clinical Hospital No. 3;
- Department of Otolaryngology of Republican Clinical Hospital, State Budgetary Institution;
- Hospital of Infectious diseases;
- Republican Medical Genetics Center;
- Republican Urological Center;
- Masterdent Baby Nursery;
- Republican Rehabilitation Hospital;
- Republican Medical Center.
Faculty of Medicine
The Faculty of Medicine has always been remarkable for high standards of training of specialists, outstanding performance in research work and remarkable professionalism in medical field, all of these factors being carried out by departments, clinics and laboratories of the University. Students have the opportunity to become experts both in the disciplines and scientific circles. Foreign graduates of the faculty work in various medical institutions all over the world and lead large medical, educational and research centers.
Faculty of Pediatrics
Over the years, the Faculty of Pediatrics of DSMU has become a major educational, scientific and medical center for childhood healthcare in Russia. Graduates of this faculty are highly qualified specialists with extensive experience gained at the University. In five graduating and six specialized departments of the pediatric faculty, there are 25 professors, 20 associate professors and 40 assistants and candidates of medical sciences. In all departments of the faculty, all students obtain necessary skills, methodological developments are implemented into the process of independent work of students, a test database with templates of answers was implemented, and training complexes are being constructed.
Faculty of Dentistry
The purpose of the faculty is to train dentists recognized all over the world. By the end of the course graduates are highly educated, which allows them to specialize in modern medical technologies and diagnostic methods, as well as to master the techniques of practical skills that meet the requirements of today. In the second year, students acquire basic knowledge and skills in classes equipped with anatomical models, wherein conditions of real dental practice are modeled so that students can apply the knowledge and skills obtained in previous theoretical classes.
Faculty of Preventive Healthcare
Graduates of the Faculty of Preventive Healthcare have the right to work in medical organizations, research institutes, laboratories, enterprises of various sectors of the economy as doctors in the following specialties: General Hygiene, Epidemiology, Food Hygiene, Public Hygiene, Radiation Hygiene, Occupational Hygiene, Hygiene of Children and Adolescents, Organization of the Sanitary-epidemiological Service, Virology, Bacteriology, Disinfection, Sanitary-hygienic Laboratory Research, Hygienic Education. In addition, graduates of the faculty can work as epidemiologists, hygienists, parasitologists, bacteriologists, virologists in medical institutions, research institutions of hygienic and epidemiological profiles, as well as in centers for medical prevention and prevention healthcare departments of clinics and hospitals.
Faculty of Pharmacy
Since the opening of the faculty, over 30 generations of specialists in pharmacy have graduated with higher pharmaceutical education. They are proficient enough to work in pharmacy supply chains, research institutes, and pharmaceutical enterprises.
Dagestan State Medical University offers a wide range of Postgraduate Courses for international students. Most popular PG courses at DSMU include:
- Medicine of urgent conditions,
- Therapy,
- Dermatology and Venereology,
- Infectious Diseases,
- Neurology,
- Pathological Anatomy,
- Psychiatry,
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
- Anesthesiology,
- Traumatology and Orthopaedics,
- Ophthalmology,
- Urology,
- Surgery,
- Pediatrics,
- Childhood Gynaecology,
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases,
- Pediatric Surgery,
- Hygiene of Children and Teenagers,
- General Hygiene,
- Public Hygiene,
- Occupational Hygiene,
- Radiation Hygiene,
- Hygiene of Nutrition,
- Epidemiology,
- Therapeutic Dentistry,
- Pediatric Dentistry,
- Orthopaedics,
- Orthopaedic Dentistry,
- Surgical Dentistry,
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
- Anesthesiology,
- Traumatology and Orthopaedics,
- Ophthalmology,
- Urology,
- Surgery,
- Pediatrics,
- Childhood Gynaecology,
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases,
- Pediatric Surgery,
- Hygiene of Children and Teenagers,
- General Hygiene,
- Public Hygiene,
- Occupational Hygiene,
- Radiation Hygiene,
- Hygiene of Nutrition,
- Epidemiology,
- Therapeutic Dentistry,
- Pediatric Dentistry,
- Orthopaedics,
- Orthopaedic Dentistry,
- Surgical Dentistry.
DMSU provides a comfortable renovated hostel which is divided in blocks of two rooms for 2 or 3 persons. The block contains a kitchen, bathroom and all other necessary utilities. DSMU encourages students to participate in all sorts of physical activities, as there are various courts and playgrounds outside of the hostel (football and basketball fields, a tennis court, running tracks, gym and others).
About Makhachkala
The city was founded as a fortress of the Russian Empire in 1844 and given its status thirteen years later. Makhachkala bore the name of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great until 1921. The city is located on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. This makes it both a beautiful resort and educational hub. Additionally, it is home to the Makhachkala Grand Mosque, one of Russia’s largest. Russia is a secular state accepting all confessions. Thus, you can feel welcomed regardless of your religion or ethnicity. It is a beautiful place with very kind and nice people, fascinating culture and spicy kitchen. You will always be able to find a way to have fun and explore Makhachkala outside study time.
Expenses structure
Undergraduate Education | |
Tuition fee, English medium | 1st year: 5500 USD; 2-6th years: 4500 USD per year |
Tuition fee, Russian medium | 1-6th years: 4000 USD per year |
Postgraduate Education (Master, PhD, Clinical Residency) | |
Tuition fee | 1-3rd years: 4000 USD per year |
Preparatory Department fee | 3000 USD per year |
Accommodation / Hostel fee | 500 USD per year |
Other expenses: (medical insurance, medical checkup, temporary residence permit): 300 US$ (every year) Equalization of Educational documents by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: 400 US$ Other first year expenses: 1800 US$ (one time upon arrival)
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