Aboute Kemerovo State Medical Academy
Kemerovo State Medical Academy was found in 1955 based on the order of the RSFSR Ministry of Health in November 14, 1955.
The opening of the medical institution was necessary for training doctors and medical personnel and healthcare development in the industry of Kuznetsk region, in 50-ies of XX century.
In 1995, medical school was transformed into the educational institution of higher education – the Kemerovo State Medical Academy (KemGMA).
The first rector (1955-1960) Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, a veteran of World War II, experienced surgeon, Professor Stepan Vasilevich Belyaev. His professional qualities, brilliant organizational skills and authority contributed to the dynamic development of the institution.…
In 1958 he opened a dental department, in 1963 – hygienic. Pediatrics (1967), Pharmacy (1979), postgraduate training (1996), Higher Nursing Education (2000), economics and management of public health services (2005).
Central Research Laboratory was established in1987. In1997 KemGMA formed editorial and publishing department.
In 2000, Academy organized Centre of Pre-University Education.
In 2009 university received a certificate of national accreditation and a license to conduct educational activities in programs of higher education: general medicine, pediatrics, medical and prophylactic business, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, economics and management.
- General Medicine
- Pediatrics
- Dentistry
- Public Health
- Nursing
- Business & Social Sciences
- Language & Cultural
- Medicine & Health
- Engineering
- Science & Technology
- Medicine of urgent conditions
- Therapy
- Dermatology and Venerology
- Infectious Diseases
- Neurology
- Pathological Anatomy
- Psychiatry
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Anaesthesiology
- Traumatology and Orthopaedics
- Ophthalmology
- Urology
- Surgery
- Pediatrics
- Childhood Gynaecology
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Pediatric Surgery
- Hygiene of Children and Teenagers
- General Hygiene
- Public Hygiene
- Occupational Hygiene
- Radiation Hygiene
- Hygiene of Nutrition
- Epidemiology
- Therapeutic Dentistry
- Pediatric Dentistry
- Orthopaedics
- Orthopaedic Dentistry
- Surgical Dentistry
- Canteen
- Library
- Stadium
- Gym
- Canteen
- Summer Camp
- Students’ Club
- Internet Classroom
- Sports Club
- Center of Practical Training
Some main fields of Postgraduate programs are mentioned below:
Hostels are centrally heated (air-conditioned), fully furnished. The basic system is two or three students in one room. Students are provided with full bedding. Separate arrangements for boys and girls. All the hostels are well guarded with police security.
Bed linen is changed once in a week and hostel is cleaned once everyday.
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