Kuban State University is one of the largest scientific and educational centers in the South of Russia. Founded in September 1920, it has a 100-year history based on the best traditions of classical education and recognized achievements.
The University consists of 15 faculties, the Institute of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education, postgraduate training programs and a higher doctorate, research institutes, the Institute of Testing Technology and General Further Education, the Professional Retraining and Advanced Training Institute.
KubSU pays special attention to improvement of the education quality. Students and graduates of the University have won many international, national and regional contests and competitions. Quality training of graduates is ensured by means of implementation of the “double diploma” programs.

Effective integration of scientific and educational processes is characteristic of KubSU. The research carried out by KubSU scientists is of great interest both in our country and abroad, as evidenced by agreements on cooperation in the scientific field with international organizations and institutions and numerous awards given to KubSU for scientific developments by authoritative expert commissions of international and national exhibitions and competitions.

International cooperation of KubSU in the field of education is constantly expanding. Students, professors and staff actively participate in the programs of academic mobility – they go to different foreign educational and scientific institutions for training, retraining and getting practical experience.

The University is developing as a community-oriented organization, creating all necessary conditions for a person’s self-realization in all spheres of activity – science, education, arts, sports, etc.

Modern scientific and educational environment, that ensures training of competitive experts demanded in the society, has been formed and is being consistently optimized in KubSU.

The following figures reflect the research and educational potential of Kuban State University:

more than 29,000 students enrolled;

about 6,000 graduates each year;

more than 340 students receiving scholarships (granted by the President, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Administration of Krasnodar Territory and by many charity funds and organizations);

more than 90 agreements on cooperation in the field of education, science and culture with scientific and educational organizations;

Kuban State University is listed among the top 50 best universities according to the ranking compiled by the Vladimir Potanin Foundation due to the results of the participation of graduate students and professors in educational programs of the Foundation.


Kuban State University is a classical educational institution, where traditionally natural sciences and humanities subjects are studied side by side. There are 17 faculties and 10 university-affiliated centres which cover the whole Krasnodar territory.

– Faculty of Architecture and Design

– Faculty of Art and Graphics

– Faculty of Biology

– Faculty of Chemistry and High Technologies

– Faculty of Computer Technology and Applied Mathematics

– Faculty of Economics

– Faculty of Geography

– Faculty of Geology

– Faculty of History, Sociology and International Relations

– Faculty of Journalism

– Faculty of Law

– Faculty of Management and Psychology

– Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences

– Faculty of Modern Languages

– Faculty of Physics and Technology

– Faculty of Pedagogics, Psychology and Communication science

– Faculty of Russian Philology

Post-Graduate Training

Post graduate training is available both for Russian and foreign graduates. The University has 15 Doctorate Councils that confer the Degree of Candidate of Sciences (Ph. D. Degree) in 56 specialties and the Degree of Doctor of Sciences in 19 specialties. Among the 200 supervisors there are 100 Full Doctors of Science and one Academician of RAS.

 Academic Teaching Staff

Scientific and educational activities are carried out by highly qualified academic teaching staff: 268 professors (doctors of science), 986 Phds (candidates of science), 467 staff members without a degree;

The proportion of the academic staff with a degree in the total number of the academic staff in 2014 amounted to 73%, which is higher than the corresponding figure of 2013;

The educational process at the University is provided by 1 669 teachers, including 261 professors (doctors of science) and 968 986 Phds (candidates of science); 177of them are professors, 535 are associate professors; among full-time working members of the staff of Kuban State University there is also a Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;

21 members of the academic teaching staff have won national awards (medals, honorary titles, state prizes), 3 members have been granted the highest professional award – the Medal of K.D.Ushinsky, 115 persons have been awarded the title of “The Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education”, 152 members have regional awards of different levels.


The University has 10 subsidiaries in Krasnodar territory, acting on the grounds of and in accord with the federal education legislation and Regulations of the University.

The subsidiaries provide Bachelor studies on

– Law

– Economics

– Management

– State and Municipal Management

– Applied Mathematics

– Applied Informatics  

– Pedagogics 

– Philology 

– Psychology 

and secondary vocational training on:

– Economics and Accounting 

– Computer Programming

– Computer Systems and Complexes

– Hotel Business 


In 2006-2010, 22 projects were completed here within the Federal Special-Purpose Scientific and Technological Programs; 1596 scientific projects were realized to the amount of 873, 000, 000 Rb.

For achievements in innovative activities and participation in exhibitions and contests, the Kuban State University researchers have been awarded 90 medals, 150 diplomas, and 560 grants, including:

– 16 grants of the Russian Federation President – for support of scientific schools, young researchers and doctors of sciences to the amount of 5 mln Rb;

– 335 grants (87.5 mln Rb) of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research;

– 110 grants (10.3 mln Rb) of the Russian Foundation for Humanity Studies;

– 102 (9.9 mln Rb) grants of the Krasnodar territory Administration.

Innovation Results

Kuban State University has been incorporated into the Federal Center of Science and High Technologies, All-Russia Center of Emergency Situations due to ongoing research and implementation of technologies connected with the safety of buildings, hydraulic and engineering structures and modeling of natural and man-made disasters and their consequences.

Our scientists have created innovative products and services of a great practical value. Among them are the following:

– A method for detoxicating oil sludge and eliminating oil spills by using microorganisms. In 10 years, there have been concluded more than 115 contracts with major corporations such as Transneft, Rosneft, and CPC JSC. As a result, nearly 40,000 tons of oil sludge have been detoxicated and 3 sludge reservoirs eliminated with over 30 hectares of arable black earth soil returned to farming.

– A technology of single crystals synthesis under controlled crystallization and doping has been designed. Also, several unique compounds have been synthesized for nonlinear optics, including laser materials for microchip lasers, which is expected to promote the development of the technology-intensive economy in the region. The crystals synthesized at the University are regularly exported to the USA, Japan, Germany, Lithuania and other countries. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, LLNL; Amistar, Inc.; Laser Vision Ltd.; AVANTES GmbH, Molecular Technology GmbH).  

– Some of the laboratories specialize in creating unique ion-exchange membranes with nanostructures and electric membrane complexes providing a selective transfer of substances in solutions. The inventions were used to develop electric membrane modules for water and other liquids purification, which have been successfully commercialized at factories in Goryachy Klyuch (Krasnodar territory), St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Latvia.  

2010 saw an overhaul of the optical astrophysical observatory, after 50 years of service. Its 5 new domes were supplied with up-to-date optical astrophysical equipment, including the South Russia’s only optic-electronic astrophysical complex with a mirror diameter of more than 50 cm.

International Contacts

Kuban State University maintains contacts with more than 40 higher educational establishments in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, South Korea, Syria, Turkey, Ukriaine and the USA. With 30 of them, cooperation agreements have been concluded in the following areas: membrane technologies; technologies for the production of high-purity materials and biologically active products; laser technologies, seismology, ecology, and prevention of natural and man-caused disasters.

The University actively participates in international projects funded by TACIS, TEMPUS, INTAS, DAAD, and some other organizations. The grants won by both the staff and students total USD 1,500,000.

The dynamic international collaboration is headed by Vladimir A. Babeshko, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Victor .I. Zabolotsky, Dr.Sc, (Chemistry), Professor. Victor V.Nikonenko, Dr.Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, Valery V. Badikov, Ph.D.(Physics), Associate Professor.


Kuban State University welcomes international students and is generally able to provide accommodation for all new international students without dependants. Students reside at Kuban State University in dormitory rooms. The dormitories are situated on the University Campus. The four room apartments are up to date facilities and offer the opportunity to integrate into the University and interact closely with Russian students. International students live in separate apartments which consist of four rooms. One room is intended for two-three persons.

The University will give special consideration to cultural and religious needs but cannot guarantee that all international students will be accommodated in single rooms. 

The University also has a limited number of apartments for couples or families with up to two young children which are reserved for international students. Students should contact the International Affairs Department as soon as possible to check on availability.

For food-supplying the University has some cafeterias, student-canteen and bars. But students can go shopping and cook their own meal which is possible with the facilities provided in the dormitories.

There is also a Homestay Program for students who wish to experience Russian family life. This experience facilitates language learning and provides direct contact with Russian culture. Families vary in size and composition and can be as diverse as a single child or a couple with two-five children. Students take breakfast and dinner each day with their host family.

If a student does not intend to be accommodated both in dormitories and in a Russian family the University can offer him/her assistance in finding accommodation in the private rented sector.

While completing the application form – questionnaire- you should indicate your preferences in appropriate box: whether you prefer living in a dormitory or in a family.


Students of the University are involved in an active cultural life. The Centre of Cultural Leisure for Youth provides a wide range of opportunities to use one’s potential and to reveal ones talents. It has a vocal group and the groups of ball and folk dancers. A lot of talented students and teachers are engaged in the University theatre.

Those who want to attend English theatre are welcomed at the Department of Linguistics and Cross-Cultural Communication which also has a group of Scottish dancers in Kuban Land, that is a member of the Royal Scottish Country-Dance Society.

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