Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” is one of the oldest Russian higher education institutions.
It was founded in 1886 as a Technical College. LETI, as it is popularly called, received the status of a higher education institution in 1899 and became known as Electrotechnical Institute. ETU was the first higher educational institution in Europe to specialize in electrical engineering. In August 2016 ETU “LETI” became the part of the Project 5-100, a Russian academic excellence program.
The University has training programs in the fields of radio engineering, telecommunications, control processes, computer engineering and IT, electronics, biomedical engineering, management, and linguistics.
Bachelors, masters, and specialists receive training at 7 full-time faculties. At the Open Faculty, bachelors are entitled to part-time and extramural courses.
ETU is preparing students in:
- Bachelor’s degree
- 19 fields (43 educational programs) of full-time education;
- 10 fields of part-time education;
- 4 fields of extramural education.
- Master’s degree
- 15 fields (53 educational programs) of full-time education, 6 of which in English.
- Specialist degree
- 2 specialties of full-time education (4 educational programs).
28 educational programs were recognized as Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2017. The European Association of ENAEE certified 46 educational programs.
Highly qualified scientific personnel receive training in 43 scientific specialties. Currently, 234 graduate students are studying at ETU. The university has 9 dissertation councils in 23 scientific specialties. More than 50 people finish postgraduate study every year.
About 9226 students and postgraduates are studying at ETU at the moment. The university has 3 full members and 5 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 20 laureates of national and international awards, more than 220 professors and doctors of science. University has more than 2,000 graduates on main educational programs annually.
Besides 350 academic laboratories of 7 faculties, research and innovation complex of the ETU includes Technology park, 8 research and educational centers, 3 resource centers, 5 research institutes, Youth Research Institute, and 14 basic departments at specialized enterprises of strategic partners. Technology Park of the University provides a range of business services to 37 small innovative enterprises. More than 2000 teachers, students, and postgraduates work in small businesses of Technology Park annually.
More than 100 high-tech enterprises of industries are strategic partners of ETU. Among foreign partners of the university are 19 large plant facilities, 15 science and research institutes and centers, 160 universities from 75 countries.
In 2013, ETU “LETI” was awarded St. Petersburg Government Educational Services Quality Prize.
The university takes the 8th place among technical universities of Russia and the 2nd place among technical universities of St. Petersburg in the ranking of the demand for universities in Russia. In 2018, ETU took the 5th place among the technical universities of Russia and the 2nd place among the technical universities of St. Petersburg in monitoring the quality of admission to universities. ETU “LETI” takes the 1st place among technical universities of St. Petersburg on monitoring the employment of graduates.
Institutes, faculties, and departments of ETU “LETI”
Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI is organized into eight faculties, each consists of a number of departments:
Institute of Fundamental Engineering Education
- Department of Higher Mathematics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Physical Chemistry
- Department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Graphics
- Department of Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Physical Training and Sport
Institute of Innovative Design and Technological Entrepreneurship
- Department of Management and Quality Systems
- Department of Innovation Management
- Department of Applied Economics
- Department of Economic Theory
- Centre of Quality Management in Education
- Information and Methodological Center of the Institute
Research Institutes
- Research Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications
- Prognoz Research Institute of Forecasting and Monitoring of Emergencies
- R&D Design and Technology Institute of Biotechnical Systems
Faculty of Radio Engineering
- Department of Radio Engineering Systems
- Department of Radio Electronic Facilities
- Department of Television and Video Engineering
- Department of Theoretical Fundamentals of Radio Engineering
- Department of Microelectronics and Radio Engineering
- Department Branch of Special Radio Electronic Facilities
- Department Branch of Radio Electronic Information Systems and Complexes
- Department Branch of Radio Astronomy
- Department Branch of Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials in Electronics
- Department Branch of Video Information Systems
- Faculty Computing Lab
Faculty of Electronics
- Department of Radio Electronics
- Department of Electronic Instruments and Devices
- Department of Physical Electronics and Technology
- Department of Photonics
- Department of Micro- and Nanoelectronics
- Department Branch of Optoelectronics
- Department Branch of Physics and Technology of Solid-State Electronics
- Department of Electronic Instrumentation
- Faculty Computing Lab #1
- Faculty Computing Lab #2
- Academic and Research Laboratory of X-ray Television Systems
Faculty of Computer Science and Technology
- Department of Computer Aided Design
- Department of Automation and Control Processes
- Department of Information Systems
- Department of Software Engineering and Computer Applications
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Department of Information Security
- Department of Algorithmic Mathematics
- Department Branch of Research Automation
- Department Branch of Intellectual Information Technologies
Faculty of Industrial Automation and Electrical Engineering
- Department of Automatic Control Systems
- Department of Electrical Technology and Converter Engineering
- Department of Robotics and Industrial Automation
- Department of Marine Control Systems
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Industrial Control and Automation Systems
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Siemens Industrial Automation Systems and Electric Drives
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Mechatronic Complexes of Movable Objects and Mobile Installations of Airfield Service
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Automated Maritime Systems
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Ship Information Processing and Management Systems
- Academic and Research Laboratory of High-frequency Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Material Processing
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Electrical Technology
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Automation Technology
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
- Academic and Research Laboratory of Information and Telecommunication Technology
Faculty of Information Measurement and Biotechnical Systems
- Department of Bioengineering Systems
- Department of Engineering Environmental Protection
- Department of Information and Measurement Systems and Technology
- Department of Laser Measurement and Navigation Systems
- Department of Electrical Acoustics and Ultrasonic Engineering
- Department of Occupational Safety
- Department Branch of Design and Technology of Electronic Radio Equipment
- Department Branch of Medical Technologies and Bioengineering Systems
- GIS technology Academic and Research Center
- R&D Design and Technology Institute of Biotechnical Systems
- Regional Center for Integrated Medical and Technical Education
- Faculty Practice-Oriented Laboratory
Faculty of Humanities
- Department of Public Relations
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of Sociology and Political Science
- Department of Foreign Languages
- Department of History of State, Culture and Law
- Department of Russian Language
- Academic and Research Center for Social Research
There is also the Open Faculty which deals with extramural studies.
The reserve-officer training department conducts military training for the students of six faculties at four military specialities for different types of forces and fleet control.
International Students Office is in charge of work with International Students. In order to support Bologna process Department of academic mobility has been formed in Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University.
There is a center for talented youth in our University. Center for applicants provides career guidance for senior high school students. There is also a department which provides employment assistance to graduates.
SPb ETU scientific unit includes Postgraduate center, PhD programs and Department of International Projects, as well as Strategic Partnership Center, Technopark, office of scientific research.
The library collection of LETI contains 1 200 000 volumes. There is a Sport complex, a Cultural center, a Museum complex, a Publishing house and a sanatorium-preventorium in SPb ETU.
Studies for foreigners
ETU “LETI” specializes in electrical engineering, radio engineering, and computer science, but also offers Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs in the field of humanities, economics and public relations. ETU “LETI” welcomes students all over the world. There are about 1000 international students from 60 countries at the university.
International students who are willing to acquire new, profound knowledge and practical skills can apply to each of the 6 English-taught Master’s programs at the university:
- Laser Measuring Technology
- Bioengineering Systems and Technologies for Prosthetics and Rehabilitation
- RF, Microwave and Terahertz Engineering of Wireless Systems
- Automation and Mechatronics
- Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Technology
- Computer Science and Knowledge Discovery
Other programs require Russian language comprehension. However, international students can get enrolled in the Preparatory Department to bridge this gap. For those who want to learn Russian, ETU LETI offers Summer Schools of Russian language. In addition to that, the university organizes Professional Summer Schools that provide students with an opportunity to acquire additional skills and increase their knowledge in the following areas:
- Biomedical Engineering
- Software Engineering
International cooperation
ETU LETI has partnership cooperation in education with 82 universities in 29 countries. It takes part in Erasmus Mundus program.
University offers several Joint and Double-diploma programs such as Joint bachelor’s program with Xuzhou Institute of Technology, Double-diploma program with Lappeenranta University of Technology and TU Ilmenau.
SPbETU library was founded in 1886 simultaneously with the foundation of the Institute. A big part of the library collection was Emperor Alexander’s III gift.
Today ETU library consists of 8 units, 5 reading halls, 5 loan departments. The library collection contains 1 200 000 volumes. Every year acquisition equals to 30 000 items. There are publications in different fields: technical science, social science, economics, management etc.
Some publications are available on-line, for instance, the full collection “Computer science”. Users of the library use electronic information sources to a great extent. Students can have access to full database using computers in Reading Halls.
Successful work of ETU library is defined by its participation in national and international programs and projects devoted to the development of libraries.
Everyday Life of International Students
Foreign students of ETU are accommodated in comfortable student dormitories during their studies. The dormitories are situated within walking distance of the subway. 2 students live in each room. Recreation rooms, rooms for studies, kitchens and gyms are fully equipped for comfortable and safe accommodation.
Leisure and Sport Events
ETU LETI students lead an active cultural life and are highly creative.
Various events are held at our university:
concerts and festivals, such as the annual inter-university forum Palette of Languages and Cultures, the Eastern New Year;
intellectual competitions “What? Where? When?”;
KVN (Club of the Merry and Quick-Witted) games;
evenings and parties dedicated to various cultures;
athletic events in boxing, track and field events, football and many others.
Employment of International Graduates Graduates of St. Petersburg
Electrotechnical University LETI including international graduates are employed at international companies such as IBM, Medicine Equipment LTD, Euclid TechLabs (USA), and Xerox. Upon graduating from St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI, some students are employed by universities in their home country. For instance, the Vice-Rector of Hanoi Open University (Vietnam) is an ETU LETI graduate.
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