About Samara State Medical University
SamSMU includes 4 institutes, more than 15 specialized diagnostic and therapeutic centers, 14 departments and 90 chairs. The teaching staff consists of 622 members, 14 of which are academicians and corresponding member of different academies, 100 professors and PhDs, 386 assistant professors.
The oldest and the most outstanding chairs are: Chair of Otolaryngology, Traumatology and Orthopedics, Ophthalmology, Surgery, Pediatrics, Surgical Dentistry and many others.
There are also 6 specialized committees that assess research and award degrees in specialties. During the last 5 year the University prepared 49 Doctors of Science in Medicine, 194 Candidates of Science in Medicine.
Approximately 500 international students graduated from our University. Our graduates have high level of theoretical and practical professional knowledge. The Diploma of our University is known in over 20 countries and is equal to Diploma of Moscow State Medical Universities.
Today number of our students is more then 6 000, 200 of them are international.…
Therapeutic Department
Pediatric Department
Pharmaceutical Department
The Faculty of Academic Nurses
The Department of the Medical Psychologists
Department of Medical Managers
The Department of Individual Training
Foreign Students Department
The Department of Family Medicine
Each hostel is equipped with a canteen and cafe with provisions of kitchen and dining hall on each floor. The academy provides a springboard for sportsmen with sporting facilities such as sports complex, including gymnasium, indoor football, badminton, tennis, volleyball, athletic stadiums, etc
About City
The earliest records of the settlement at the confluence of the Samara River and the Volga River were made by the Arabian traveler Ibn Fadlan in 921. Later, in 1367 the city-pier called Samar was marked on the map, made by Italian merchants Pizigani.
The year of 1586 is officially recognized as the year of Samara city foundation, which was built as a fortress by knyaz and governor of a province Gregory O. Zasekin according to the orders of the tsar Fyodor Ioannovich.
The administrative significance of Samara raised tremendously in 1851 when it became the center of Samara Province. Since that time and over 150 years this city is the capital of one of the most economically powerful Russian Regions.
In the end of the XIX century Samara became one of the biggest trade centers, so called “Russian bread wharf”. And fr om the middle of the XX century the city, renamed into Kuibyshev, became the Russian capital of airspace military industry.
The end of the “cold war” withdrew the secrecy label from the city. So Samara got back its acknowledged status of one of the international centers of scientific, cultural and business communications.
Six theaters work in the city. The performances run by Samara theaters have gained several times the prestigious theater award “Golden Mask”. Samara museums are also quite diverse. The city geography and history could be explored at the exhibitions of Regional Museum of Local History named after P.V. Alabin as well as in the Museum of Samara City History. “Space Samara” Museum tells us about aircraft and airspace industry development in the city, and it is situated at the foot of a real launch vehicle “Soyuz”. The tour around “Stalin’s Bunker” Museum leaves long-lasting impression on the visitors. This unique construction was built in increased level of secrecy during the Great Patriotic War and has no prototypes in the world. Those who fancy art can find the exhibition of Samara Regional Art Museum very interesting.
Everyone will enjoy walking around historical downtown wh ere the spirit of a merchant city is preserved in the buildings of the XIX – beginning of the XX centuries. Roman catholic church, Protestant church, Drama theater, Opera and Ballet House, Mansion of Kurlina, architecture of Leningradskaya and Kuibyshev Streets, Monument of Glory, memorials like “Ladya”, “IL-2”, “Chapaev”, “Cat on the radiator”, “Comrade Sukhov”, “Pinocchio” and many others are famous in the country and abroad through thousands of pictures, made by Russian and foreign tourists.
The main sightseeing place of the city is the quay – the longest quay in Russia (about 5 km). Since 2011 the reconstruction has been going step by step: the fountain was rebuilt, new bicycle lanes were made, flowerbeds appeared, playgrounds completed, walking areas were paved.
The quay immediately gathered attention of citizens and guests, becoming cultural and sports center. Now there is a tradition to hold here municipal and Russian events: City Day, Victory Day, Sportsman Day, World Cup series of the beach football and others. In 2014 the monument devoted to the architecture and first military governor of Samara fortress knyaz Grigoriy Zasekin was built on the Polevoy descent. Opening of the sculpture “Barge Haulers on the Volga River” took place on the Leningradskiy descent. The bronze sculpture reduplicates the masterpiece of Ilya Repin, who made it also in Samara. Commemorative composition of the 100th anniversary since the beginning of the World War I was opened on the Nekrasovskiy descent – “The ship’s bell of a boat “Kashgar””. In 1916 according to the Samara governor Andrey Stankevich the boat was converted into a “floating hospital”, on which wounded soldiers recovered during the river travel Samara – Astrakhan – Samara.
Samara is the biggest transportation hub on the way from Europe to Asia and from north to south. International airport “Kurumoch”, Kuibyshev Railway, Federal Highways and River Port provide the required opportunities for carrying passenger and cargos of any weight.
Modern railway station in Samara was built in 2001, and now it’s the biggest railway station in Europe (its highest peak is 101 m). City guests like to lift on the viewing platform – a big balcony around the dome of the railway station to get a bird’s eye-view of the city.
High scientific-educational opportunities of Samara provide the powerful basis for the training of professionals. Municipal educational institutions train the specialists for all the branches of economy, full range of engineering, scientific and humanitarian disciplines. It is worth mentioning that not only citizens of Samara but also students from other Russian cities and foreign students get high education in the institutions working in Samara.
High capacity of the domestic market, advanced industrial, transport and financial infrastructure, high professional and educational potential, availability of immense raw material basis and a range of unique science-based competences of the city community enable to realize any project in Samara, including the high-tech ones.
Samara is the center of one of the mostly developed Russian regions and a component of one of the biggest municipal metropolitan areas, which in their turn have close connections with the surrounding economically perspective territories of the Middle Volga Region, characterized by high density of the population. Economic development of Samara is characterized by the increase of production volumes and the population consumer activity, growth of citizens’ living standards and the stable situation in the labor market.
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